Canned Truth

by Lady Lee 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    How does truth format itself into books with a certain number of chapters and pages?

    How does truth truth format itself into study articles of a certain length?

    How does truth get formatted into a sudy of a certain length (1 hour a week for 6 months - at least when I was a JW)?

    Before I left the JWs I used to read Harlequin romances - (yeah I know but I needed some diversion). Almost all of these books are the same length. They follow a certain format and you can read dozens of them and know the end after reading the beginning.

    As a child I read Nancy Drew books - same thing - same format - just alter time place and characters

    After I left the JWs I went to college and took courses in psychology, sociology, humanities, creative writing, social services and counseling.

    When I went to university I took many of the same courses: psychology, sociology, humanities, creative writing, and counseling, as well as religion, philosophy,

    I could have easily taken some of the college courses and adapted them for university. But that wouldn't do much for my learning.

    But even in the courses that were repetitive I found ways to expand on "truth". At the time the field of abuse was exploding and many people were doing great research on the issue. Believe me, even in articles I read (in preparation for my own papers) nto one was a canned resoponse. Many people quoted from the same sources but even then they weren't canned papers. Writing papers like that probably would get you marked for plagarism.

    In my case with courses in the same dept it would have been easy for my profs to check that I wasn't writing the same stuff for all of them. Almost all my profs allowed me to specialize on abuse issues. Creative writing I wrote the firt chapter of my autobiography; Public speaking I gave 3 speeches on different aspects of abuse; Psych and socio gave me lots of opportunity to research aspects of abuse; an English course got me writing about Virginia Woolf, her history of abuse and how it contributed to her suicide. Even in History of Psychology I wrote about how sexual abuse has been diagnosed incorrectly throught the ages; from calling the victims witches to hysterics and finally to waht we see today people who have been severely traumatized as children.

    Not 1 canned paper.

    So how did we fall for the canned responses the WTS doles out to people, makes them pay for it, then study it, and after a few years recycle books and articles , change a few words here and there to go throught he routine over and over for years.

    All those books lined up on the shelf. Didn't it look so neat and tidy in their rainbow of colors.

    Canned truth

  • Kaput

    All those books lined up on the shelf. Didn't it look so neat and tidy in their rainbow of colors.

    It's the Watchtower's version of feng shui.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    It's the Watchtower's version of feng shui.


    Yup if you read those books long enough, your mind will be calm and empty


  • lovelylil

    Hi LL,

    I ask myself that same q a lot. How did I fall for it? I am really not sure but I know one thing, I will never fall for it again. I check everything now and take nothing on face value. As far as the canned comments you are so right. After a few years I began to really take note of this. I used to ask my hubby "didn't we get this same exact information before?".

    I am an avid reader and remember a lot of what I read. So I started picking up on this. My hubby used to say that the society knows we forget things easily due to our imperfections and thus we need constant reminders.

    I remember an old timer in the KH and she used to say "once you are in the truth for 10 years or more, you heard it all". I guess she was right as the information is always the same old thing only recycled with a few different words. No wonder most of us just zoned it all out. Its like when you tell your kids the same thing over and over - eventually they just zone you out too. Lilly

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    the society knows we forget things easily due to our imperfections and thus we need constant reminders.

    Yup I heard that one. it made no sense to me because I did remember it.

    Another one I heard often was:

    There are so many new ones who have never heard this and we need to be patient so they have time to learn before they get fed the true meat of Jehovah's banquet. After 22 years in I still wasn't gettting nay "meat" at the banquet. In reality I was starving to death while they kept feeding us all their version of pablum

  • lovelylil


    I forgot about that one. Also, I used to call the meetings "A banquet of spiritual junk food". Lilly

  • Juniper123

    I still look at the latest Awake, Watchtower, and books my Dad has (he's semi-involved). And I can understand how people let themselves believe, they're so soothing and pre digested and do all your thinking for you. Smoothing out the wrinkles and worries into starched placidness. Lushly colored illustrations of people with gorgeous hair in meadows. Seriously, apparently after Armageddon Pantene will pour out of the bathroom taps. And above of all that carrot on the string of The New World coming annnnnnnnnny minute. Yep, any minute now, yes sure. Sure would be a shame to miss it wouldn't it? And the books are so small and tidy and easy to organize, as sterile and rote as The Society's wrapping the bible in a clear couch slipcover, to keep the fingerprints off. Looking through the bound volumes of The Watchtower they really have only four or five topics, the cover just keeps changing is all.

  • SirNose586
    Lushly colored illustrations of people with gorgeous hair in meadows. Seriously, apparently after Armageddon Pantene will pour out of the bathroom taps.

    Pantene hair for everybody? See, playing with a koala cub for eternity sounds good again.

  • Juniper123

    And don't forget showing all your teeth when you smile while holding a bunch of grapes.

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