How does truth format itself into books with a certain number of chapters and pages?
How does truth truth format itself into study articles of a certain length?
How does truth get formatted into a sudy of a certain length (1 hour a week for 6 months - at least when I was a JW)?
Before I left the JWs I used to read Harlequin romances - (yeah I know but I needed some diversion). Almost all of these books are the same length. They follow a certain format and you can read dozens of them and know the end after reading the beginning.
As a child I read Nancy Drew books - same thing - same format - just alter time place and characters
After I left the JWs I went to college and took courses in psychology, sociology, humanities, creative writing, social services and counseling.
When I went to university I took many of the same courses: psychology, sociology, humanities, creative writing, and counseling, as well as religion, philosophy,
I could have easily taken some of the college courses and adapted them for university. But that wouldn't do much for my learning.
But even in the courses that were repetitive I found ways to expand on "truth". At the time the field of abuse was exploding and many people were doing great research on the issue. Believe me, even in articles I read (in preparation for my own papers) nto one was a canned resoponse. Many people quoted from the same sources but even then they weren't canned papers. Writing papers like that probably would get you marked for plagarism.
In my case with courses in the same dept it would have been easy for my profs to check that I wasn't writing the same stuff for all of them. Almost all my profs allowed me to specialize on abuse issues. Creative writing I wrote the firt chapter of my autobiography; Public speaking I gave 3 speeches on different aspects of abuse; Psych and socio gave me lots of opportunity to research aspects of abuse; an English course got me writing about Virginia Woolf, her history of abuse and how it contributed to her suicide. Even in History of Psychology I wrote about how sexual abuse has been diagnosed incorrectly throught the ages; from calling the victims witches to hysterics and finally to waht we see today people who have been severely traumatized as children.
Not 1 canned paper.
So how did we fall for the canned responses the WTS doles out to people, makes them pay for it, then study it, and after a few years recycle books and articles , change a few words here and there to go throught he routine over and over for years.
All those books lined up on the shelf. Didn't it look so neat and tidy in their rainbow of colors.
Canned truth