SEATTLE / TACOMA advice needed please

by new light 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • new light
    new light

    My wife and I are moving to the area, preferably between Seattle and Tacoma, and would like to narrow our apartment search to the nicer neighborhoods. We both are total newbies to Washington and are hoping for some voices of experience to help us avoid the old "trial and error" method. Also, I'll be working in the construction trade and my job is much improved when working in the high-end homes, so if anyone knows where the wealthier people live, that would narrow down some areas for my job search. Looking forward to hearing from anyone who can help. Thanks.


  • BrendaCloutier

    IMO = DesMoines. On the sound. Georgeous.

  • new light
    new light

    Nice. Des Moines is in the perfect spot, too. Thanks, Brenda. We'll definitely look there.

  • smellsgood

    The only area "between Seattle and Tacoma" that I have personally been too is Federal Way, it is a nice area. I like Bellevue alot, it is very close and accessible to Seattle. I wouldn't want to live IN the city, like on Capitol Hill for instance. Though, there are great Restaurants on Capitol Hill, like Broadway Grill, can I hear it from the Seattle people? Pagliaccis pizza?

    There's people who live in Seattle who could probably be more helpful, I've only been a visitor. My brother lived there for a number of years til just recently, he lived in the U-District (University (of WA) district). I really liked that location, near a really nice shopping center. Also, I have relatives who live in Bellevue.

    I believe the figure of millionaires in Bellevue alone is something like 68,000. At least from what I heard :)

    good luck, I hope you don't mind the more rainy weather being from Arizona :)

  • Gretchen956

    There are some nice areas between Seattle and Tacoma but also some you'd rather stay out of. While there are some very nice places in Federal Way, the traffic there is an absolute nightmare, some of the worst in the whole metro area. I'd go with the DeMoines suggestion near the water.


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