Check out about Kerry's latest gaff.
Soldiers reply from Iraq
by OICU8it2 9 Replies latest jw friends
So John Kerry is the Republicans' "October surprise"?
I found Kerry's gaff to be interesting. On one hand Kerry and the other Demoncraps love to point out the Bushisms. I think turnabout is fairplay.
On the other hand, I think the Repugnicans that are ripping this gaff out of its context are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
That being said, I think that Kerry's gaff was a revelation of not only his disdain for the President, but also for the military, he so desperately tried to get out of. Regardless of his intent, what he said was very offensive & condscending towards the men and women that are in harm's way, and he should appologize for misspeaking. I do not think he needs to appologize to the current Administration, even though the comment in its context was offensive, demeening & condescending.
All that being said, I personally believe that Mr. Kerry's comments were spoken from the heart. I believe that he holds anyone, in disdain & contempt, who choses to do what he so desperately wanted to avoid.
Kerry is from my home state. My hubby and I met him. Hubby works for a top school here in Boston and goes to a lot of political type events that the school endorses.(and yes, he went even as a JW) Anyway, the guy has no tact at all and is constantly putting his foot into his mouth. And he hates Bush in the worse way. Hubby is ex military and was not happy about the comments made. I am sure he will bring it to Kerry's attention when they bump into each other again. I saw Bush's response and it was quite comical. The President was so angry you could see him shaking. Lilly
Kerry's remark reflects the way " top-of-the-food-chain" people truly feel. He said it without thinking, which identfies the mindset of the elite in this country; it doesn't matter if they're republicans or democrats.
I know what I'm talking about . . .I once lived with them.
Tonight in the Boston Herald Kerry is saying that "it was only a joke gone bad". But I think like others do that he really meant it and just said it without thinking first. I imagine right after he said it - he said something else to himself like - "oh crap! did I say that out loud?". Lilly
If a quote by a man who is not even running for election right now, means more then the actual issues of the election ... then we are all screwed. At the same time, what Kerry had happen was funny and since I dislike him, I like seeing him ruin his chance at the next Presidental bid.
Kerry's people ( speechwriters, etc. ) rapidly said it was a " joke" gone bad. BULLSHIT ! His people tried to cover it up any way they could and the only thing they could come up with was a lie ! This is a good example of how " spin" floods the average citizen's mind, day in and day out. In order to be an informed voter one has to be a magician . . .being able to see through all the siaaaaaaaaat.
Frankly, I'm tired of it all.
I heard the actual comment in context and while I felt it could be what he said, I thought it unlikely. His best 'defense' was that some of the kids in the meeting/rally 'got' the joke and you could hear laughter at the end of the statement. The problem is,these were a bunch of kids in college, and had they taken the statement as being an insult to the men serving in Iraq (or elsewhere), I think they still would have laughed. In their comfortably-in-college-thinking-they-are-superior-to-he-lower-classes-who-didn't- -have-their-opportunities kind of elitism that some collegiates feel. Or it could have been an uncomfortable laughter(I hope so!). Kerry is too smirky for me to trust him. Either way, he was horribly disrespectful to the military, and if it was the joke he claims, it was a major dis to the president that wasn't called for. They can make fun of Bush, and his decisions and his gaffes, but idiots don't become successful in business and then become governor and president. Humans that aren't perfect do. Bummer.
The audience Kerry was speaking to was a group of students at Pasadena City College. It's a junior college, not exactly a bastion of deep thinkers there.
Like I said before, it is telling of liberals tht they can make fun of all the Bushisms, but they can't take their own foibles being pointed out.
As far as Kerry's "apology" goes, it as phoney as the catsup his old lady peddles.