we could fill a statium and pass out literature with instructions how to excape the JWs mind control and fear of the world ending. We could sit and laugh and chat druing the session, then at lunch time we could find the JWs standing on the corner selling magazines it could be a lot of fun...
how about a frigging Ex JW reunion
by ladione5000 7 Replies latest forum suggestions
Have you ever tried herding kittens?
Arranging an ApostoFest for more than a couple of dozen is difficult enough
Sure, just post the date along with a list of hotels I'm allowed to use.
I'll bring the Shasta and the hoagies!!!!
~luv, jojo
You'll find plenty of x-dubs here. http://dawnbible.com/conv and http://hosting.brownbearsw.com/WB/Conventions
LOL! That would be a sight!
No, I don't think I'd be able to take it. Despite my being on this forum every... single... day, at least I can take a break from dub-talk when I feel like it without having to try gnawing my arm off.
Welcome to the board. There aren't enough xjws in our area. I think we could probably all fit in our living room.
Cellist -
It's in Vegas 2007: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/19/120405/1.ashx