Kingdom Melody Jam Session

by sass_my_frass 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Top memory: my childhood congregation was very musical; lots of people played. A few times we'd have a jam session where this guy would dig out some pretty standard sixties rock, lead with the piano and we'd follow along (me transposing up on the clarinet...). He was this sweetest guy, he used to mimic Kermit the Frog singing the rainbow song perfectly. He was disfellowshipped about fifteen years ago, bless him.

    Inevitably on these nights though somebody's mum would pull out a kingdom melodies book and we'd all have to honk away about the blessings of the preach. How to ruin a perfectly good night hey.

    Ah well it's Saturday already. GTG, goodnight all.

  • Cellist

    Sass, the KM would definitely ruin any evening. When we faded I made sure that the songbooks disappeared. Otherwise my husband would've tortured me with them. Unfortunately, I missed a few cassettes and every so often I get a blast from the past. LOL He does it just to get to me. He's constantly lamenting that he no longer has a songbook and can't play me a few tunes. He's tried from memory, but it's all too long ago and he can't remember how they go.

    Back to your topic, some of my husband's fondest memories are of a brother and his wife who played violin and piano at their gatherings. They only played the KM's at the Hall.


  • sass_my_frass

    Eeew and there's the stupid memories; somebody decided that we should play at the meetings and assemblies, but we were pretty bad. The sister who donated the piano organ only did so to let her daughter play, and she was as bad as the rest of us, just a lot louder. At the assemblies a family of three organised it, they were 'professionals' who played at weddings, but the drummer insisted on performing too. It never sounded any good, but I couldn't get out of it.

  • sandy

    LOL, this is a funny subject. I no longer believe in organized religion and I question the bible and it's take on God.

    But, I like gospel and christian music. And I still catch my self singing a kingdom melody every now and then.

    I used to get together with friends and family and sit around and sing kingdom melodies. LOL How, CORNY! Believe me I know.

    But I am still a sucker for corny music, which explains my love of a lot of country music. Not that I think all country music is corny.

  • Cellist

    Sass, that sounds like one of the examples given for going to "canned music". LOL

    These days we regularly indulge in musical jam sessions. Complete with snacks, wine and good company. And not a Kingdom Melody in sight.


  • buffalosrfree

    I too use to love those get togethers when we would all show off our non-ability to sing karokee wise. I remember one occasion when someone there brought out the KM, I mentioned to them that if I wanted to hear bad songs and no musical play along I would go to the Kingdom hall. They didn't like that but I didn't give a shit.

  • penny2

    Some of the melodies aren't too bad - it's the memories that go with them.

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