Jw's buy a fushkill apartment complex
by lostinthought 6 Replies latest jw friends
Religious groups' tax free status absolves them from paying for the upkeep of their local communities. Little wonder locals don't greet them with open arms.
Well... the good news is that the town of Fishkill will not have to suffer the loss of tax revenue for long as Armageddon is just around the corner and all their concerns will be irrelevant. -
Wow... they bought Rivercrest... Yep, WT is in it for the real estate. I'm speechless... -
Like I've said before...it's all take and no give for the WT. Biggest bunch of Narcissists I've ever laid eyes on!
Welcome to the neighborhood Watchtower!!!! cha ching
I wonder if they are up to buying properties in Australia? Anyone know? -
The Watchtowistanian (real estate) Empire is growing.
Just how close are Poughkeepsie and Warwick, anyway?