Prophecy? No. More of a speculation. Fear? Yes, some.
A littel History: In the 1950s, worldwide, Communism was on the rise. The USA became very fearful of communists cells in this country. Communists were said to be infiltrating our universities, media, Hollywood, businesses, various professions, and politics. Hence was born the McCarthy era to smoke out communists under every rock, and the government created the House UnAmerican Activities Committee. The TV show, I led Three Lives became popular. It featured a man who had a family life, but worked for the FBI as an undercover agent, and infiltrating communists cells to expose them. This was very tough for the government, because a communists could be anyone, with any average American name like Smith or Jones, or almost any race.
In Hindsight: History showed that the HUAC and McCarthyism was not only an over-reaction to the communist threat, it became too heavy a hand against Americans who were not necessarily communists, nor communist sympathizers. Eventually the McCarthy era ended with more of a black-eye on our nation, and the suicide of Joe McCarthy.
Was Communism a real threat?: Yes. The fears were real that they planned a long term infiltration so that they could move our nation toward socialism and soften us so much that we would not see the change. In addition to the infiltration and spying, they also were said to promote pornography and drugs so as to morally corrupt America and distract the younger generation. I kind of accepted these fears, especially when schools, like the Catholic school I attended, published anti-communist booklets and magazines to keep us informed and somewhat scared. The Friday air-raid alarms, and bomb shelter protocols and routines were drilled into us for years. Russia might attack us at any moment.
Validation: All this was confirmed for me in the early 1990s when I received a copy of a declassified KGB manual published in the 1950s and 1960s which detailed all the above mentioned tactics and their long term plans to have 'sleepers' well placed in American society, business, government, political office, military command, media, entertainment, as well as the porn and drug industry. But the communists were never really able to pull it off, and in time the Soviet Union and most other communist nations collapsed and are moving toward western styled capitalism.
What sort of Prophetic Speculation and Fear for today? Today, it will be easier for the federal and state governments to act to identify 'sleepers' and terrorists cells. Race and ethnic origin will play more of a role. Also, the infiltration into all other aspects of our society is unlikely, but will no doubt be monitored.
I also have no illusions that the new Cabinet level created called Homeland Security will go through some serious growing pains and has the potential to become as much of a problem as a solution. As responsible citizens we need to be more alert to this and keep tabs on this new government agency. It will do some good, and likely will reduce any terrorist threats as were previous communists threats in the past been dealt with. But, I also fear that in time, anyone named Abdulah, Farouk, Fumar, or Nabil etc. will not have an easy life in the USA for ten to twenty years down the road.
My greatest fear: The USA needs an immediate success in Afghanistan with the eventual release or capture of Osama Bin Laden. This will calm some fears and appease Americans in general. But the long term war effort has the potential to go in a very bad direction. If the USA makes any serious errors in finding, weeding out, and seizing terrorist cells, it could lead to an erosion of support from friendly nations, and over time, if terrorism has not happened again in the USA, then American citizens may end up where we were during the Viet Nam war, demanding an end to the war on terror and the intrusions against some of our civil liberties. Finally, I fear that this entire process will not be brought to a conclusion for at least 15 to 20 years. I will really be an old man by then.
My Hope: I have to believe and hope that now, more than anytime in our history, as we support our government with its good intentions and wise decisions, that we stay on top of our public servants, and remember that collectively we, The People, are the ultimate boss in America ... and that our civic duty to control our leaders is of top importance to us and our ideals of freedom and liberty. - Amazing