An 18 year old boy here....witnessed with horror as the plane crashed into the WTC.......also a disfellowshipped JW.
WHY? Is there really a god of love up there, watching it happen and do nothing about it? Who among us, if we saw the plane crashing into the tower and have the power to stop it would not do so? The Bible says
we are make of God's image. If we have the power, we will definitely stop it.Why don't He do so? Yet he called himself a God of Love!
Are everybody inside the plane and the towers deserving of death? Innocent lives are lost including my girlfriend who is working in the wtc.
Tell me why...
Satan's challenge? I think satan is correct. Who would want to worship a God who allows his creation to suffer just because he wants them to know that without him life will be hell! JEHOVAH CANNOT BE A LOVE OF LOVE!
by Daveboy 5 Replies latest jw friends
"Who would want to worship a God who allows his creation to suffer just because he wants them to know that without him life will be hell!"
"A" god? Isn't THIS the same god that's in that book every "GOD-FEARING" governs their life after? THAT god? Fickle, ain't "he/she/it"?
I appreciate your conTRIBUTion here Daveboy. Thanks for sharing.
sKally, www klass
Hi Dave: You are asking tough questions similar to many I have been asking. There are some good plausible arguements that rationalize God's actions, or in this case, inactions. And there are good arguments in the other direction. I was a JW for 25 years. I had these types of questions before and after my time as a JW. And as you know, JWs believe that all this is God's way or proving that humankind needs his rulership - and that human rule under the Devil's control (thus no real human rule - ever) we fail time and again.
The human race, by and large, outside the little narrow world of Watchtower Land, has no idea of any universal saovereignty issues at stake. But, even if that were the case, it seems to me that God made his point a long time ago - perhaps about 2000 to 3000 years before Christ. So, as a JW I negan to wonder what his point is in proving our failures to us over and over again and again - century after century?
I have come to the conclusion that he plans no Divine intervention into human rule. We are on our own. What I am still evaluating is what happens to us after we die. Thanks for your good questions. - Amazing
welcome and condolences, dave
Sorry to hear about your girlfriend Dave. One might wonder if there is any order out there, or if it's really just a bunch of people doing their own thing and not giving any thoughts to the impact on other people..
simple answer: there is no god.