I sometimes look at the magazines on jw.org to see what the WT are saying now. The latest Watchtower is a good old fire and brimstone, Armageddon is coming any moment now issue, but it was a short article in the April 2015 Awake that caught my eye. It features the country of Honduras and is quite an informative little read (though failing to mention the very high crime rate in that country). Like me, I imagine most people would struggle to place Honduras accurately on a map, name its capital city or describe its history - it's a poor country with virtually no influence.
I noticed that the population of Honduras is just over 8m, which I believe is around the number of JWs worldwide and it seems to me that the JW religion is about as significant to most people's daily lives as Honduras is. I don't suppose any active Witness reading Awake will draw the same analogy, but it makes me wonder whether Witnesses ever ponder just how small and unimportant their religion is on a world scale, and why that might be.
I was never a Witness, so I can't answer that question. What do you think? Does the small size of the religion, despite massive preaching efforts, ever cause JWs concern? Do Witnesses ever discuss why, if the evidence is so strong and the story so compelling, 999 out of every 1000 people in the world follow another religion, or none?