The Oct 15 2006 WT, main article about getting to know God, page7, under the subheading, 'Identifying God's Channel of Instruction': "Where can we find assistance in understanding the Word of truth and then in living in accord with it? In Israel of old, God provided leadership through trusted and loyal individuals in positions of responsibility. The Head of the Christian congregation today, Christ, likewise guides those who sincerely search for the truth. He does so through his trusted and loyal followers, who make up the channel responsible for directing and protecting earnest seekers of truth. (Matthew 24: 45-47; Colossians 1:18) But how can one identify God's channel of instruction?" Why has the Society used the vague wording 'through his trusted and loyal followers' and not 'the faithful and discreet slave' or similar? All JW's, both of the remnant and the great crowd, are 'trusted and loyal followers' are they not? Is the Society simply being wishy-washy with the wording in this article to hide from the public the fact that they really teach that only the Governing Body and its heirarchy constitute the self-proclaimed 'channel of communication'?
God's Channel of Instruction = "trusted & loyal followers"
by yaddayadda 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good catch.
Their writing is getting more and more Pablum-y.
-K -
Perhaps they see the trusted congruents as the same ? don't know . that would be strange .It would fit if what they they wanted to portray was a faithful few and condemn those that question the leadership.
It would fit if what they they wanted to portray was a faithful few and condemn those that question the leadership.
Typical. Always laying a guilt trip on the R&F. But I agree, it's bizarre they omitted the old "faithful and discreet" thing. Faithful and loyal could only refer to the R&F anyway. After all, they are very faithful and loyal to WBTS, but as for the GB they who are they faithful and loyal to? Themselves? Money? It certainly isn't God, and I think that if they tried to identify a small group of arrogant men as God's only direct line of communication openly and publicly in this day and age, it would probably open up a huge can of worms. What ticks me off is that to the unsuspecting interested person, things look good on the surface. The whole truth isn't exposed. Like in this article. It isn't until you actually bite the hook and get reeled in that you find out all this out. By that time it's too late, you're all ready a believer in all that crap!
It isn't untill you actually bite the hook and get reeled in that you find out all this out. By that time it's too late, your all ready a believer in all that crap.
So true, so true.
return visitor
Draw the unsuspecting public in first, then once committed bring in the class distinction. That's the trap.