"Jones, who said he is gay, said he was upset when he discovered who Haggard was and that New Life opposed same-sex marriage — a key issue in Colorado, with a pair of issues on Tuesday’s ballot."
“I am sad for him and his family. I know this is a tough day for him also,” he said in a telephone interview Sunday. “I wish him well. I wish his family well. My intent was never to destroy his family. My intent was to expose a hypocrite.”
"Jones, who said he is gay, said he was upset when he discovered who Haggard was and that New Life opposed same-sex marriage — a key issue in Colorado, with a pair of issues on Tuesday’s ballot."
“I am sad for him and his family. I know this is a tough day for him also,” he said in a telephone interview Sunday. “I wish him well. I wish his family well. My intent was never to destroy his family. My intent was to expose a hypocrite.”
I think Jones is a deceiver and set-up Haggard. I think Jones found out who Haggard was, after the first few " backrubs " and "imaginery" meth up the nose kind of thing and made the most of an opportunity.
Jones said,"My intent was to never destroy his family . . .My intent was to expose a hypocrite. "
Well, guess what Jonsey boy, what did your pea brain think was going to happen once you exposed him ? And this guy Haggard! He's a liar too! He had sex with the dude, he snorted meth . . .the only people he's bullshiting, or trying to, are his wife and kids. What did he say? This was a dark side of him that he's been dealing with all life? What a bunch of crap!
Why can't people take their medicine or just keep their mouths shut? One would think by now that these so called religious leaders would have learned something about life . . . that something being that we are only human.
It's apparent to me that these so called Men-of-God are only that . . .MEN ! When are they going to realize it ? . . .as well as all their followers?