Several of the people I work with know I have left the JW's this year and have been great sounding boards . One woman in particular was talking with me Friday and mentioned her sister knows a man that use to be "high " up in the Jw religion ( I think she means an Elder ) and he would like to talk to anyone else leav ing . I told her she could get his number for me, and I 'll decide if I should call him or not . So if any of you ex-jws in NW Illinios gets a call..........
A friend at work is going to introduce me to an apostate !
by troubled mind 6 Replies latest jw friends
Good one! Let us know what happens please!? It would certainly be amusing if they were another poster.
It would be very interesting if they were a poster on here. Keep us updated.
Yeah it sounds like fun, I would love to meet a fellow poster or apostate. Keep us posted TroubledMind.
What does "apostates" mean anyway? I used to think anyone with that label was demonic, to be avoided at all costs. Now I think that the hundreds of us posters on the board are all apostates. OOOH. Scary. :)
It's great that you have so much "live" support in your exit. It must help a lot.
troubled mind
I will get the phone number some time this week so I will post an update . An apostate is one that abandons what they once believed - could be a religion or a doesn't that include everyone at some point in their life ? Russell was an apostate . Anyone that becomes a JW from another religion is an apostate . Jehovah's Witnesses demonize the term . I am hoping the person I will be put in contact with is a poster here , that would be awesome. This time last year I was feeling so confused and lonely, all the support on this board has got me through some difficult spots . I have been trying to make better friendships w/ the people I work with and it has really paid off. I have two separate job sites and people at each place have been so supportive when I told them I was no longer attending the kingdom hall . Some have happily baptized me into the world of PARTY ,j/k . They do get a kick out of my naive experiences in life .I have met some interesting, loving people this past year .I now know life will go on away from the JW's . There are still obstacles to overcome such as family matters , but I just try to have confidence things will work out.
What is an apostate? It depends on who you ask...
Most people think that an apostate is one who actively campaigns against the Society. Keep in mind that the Society disfellowships people for apostasy who simply disagree with certain key beliefs of the Dubs....whether you express your rogue opinions to anyone or not. So, by the Dub definition, if you are seeking to meet with an apostate, in their eyes, that's enough to make YOU an apostate.
The person you are seeking to meet is probably not an antichrist, as most religions would define the term, but, rather, someone who has taken an active stance against the Dubs. The bottom line, though, to them, whether you picket conventions and organize rebellions or simply think that 1914 is baloney, you're an apostate, an anti-christ, one not even worthy of a resurrection.