"Breaking Away From it Can at Times Seem Impossible."

by scout575 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • scout575

    "I thought I was delivered from the bondage of cultism and "free" in my re-discovered "personal relationship with Jesus Christ". Nevertheless, it took me several more years to realize that I had substituted the cult-organization that clearly defined Mormonism with the cult of born Again Christianity."

    "In many respects, I believe it may be even harder for a "Born Again Christian" who has lost faith to come out of his/her own cult than it would be for a Jehovah's Witness or a Mormon. JWs and Mormons have an organization to leave. When they get out, they realize that this organization and those who ran it had an unhealthy control on very intimate aspects of their lives. Many Born Again Christians have formed such a strong fantasy in their mind of their "relationship with Jesus", that breaking away from it can at times seem impossible. Indeed, I believe some never do. Some live their entire lives in dysfunction and unhappiness because in their subconscious they have bought into the lie that there really is a Jesus-God that they are running from. How often did you hear someone say something to the effect that, "Backslidden Christians are some of the most miserable people?" ( A quotation from: Ex-Christian.net / Ex- Christian life / How long have you been out of Christianity? / Post# 78 / Poster's username: Johnny Smith ).

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