Pedophile Proof

by Sunspot 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Sunspot

    I know that years ago (I don't actually recall just how many right now) that Barb Anderson discovered the more than 23,000 cases in the files at Bethel and subsequently bravely brought this to the public's attention.

    Does anyone have any knowledge of how many approximate cases have been reported to the WTS headquarters since that original number, or what year that was?

    We see this "23,000" number mentioned down til this day and common sense tells me that there are far more of these instances of child molestation and acts of pedophilia than as first thought back then. The WTS is so gung-ho on having "accurate lnowledge" on in keeping with this idea, what would be a more "accurate" tally of these numbers for conversation today?


    edited to add; that when talking to others outside the WTS about this vast amount of "pure worshippers" engaging in these acts, what would be a fair and "more accurate" number to fill in when asked or when discussing the subject? (Maybe I wasn't very clear in my question, but with this new tract being widely distributed condemning "other churches" for their unseemly is only fair to inform others that the WTS isn't exactly "clean" in ths area. I just need some quick facts and figures to present)

  • Sunspot


  • fullofdoubtnow

    The 23,720 total was first heard, I believe, on the BBC Panorama documentary in 2002. I would think that there are more now, but when the BBC asked the watchtower how many paedophiles were on the database, they were told that "focussing on numbers is not meaningful". Unless a bethelite reveals the number, of the wts are forced to open up the database, I can't see how we can find out the current total.

  • daystar
    Unless a bethelite reveals the number, of the wts are forced to open up the database, I can't see how we can find out the current total.

    I suspect that they would have created alternate methods for accounting for these so that a papertrail would be nonexistent.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Unless there is a leak in the WTS by someone who has access to those files, we will never know how long that list is.

  • Anitar

    Hi LadyLee,

    Suffice it to say that there is far more than the public is aware. We may never know just how many there are. And you can bet that the watchtower is destroying the records fast

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    In the late 70s and early 80s the estimante of girls who had been sexually assaulted tyhe world was shocked that 6/10 girls and 4/10 boys were victimized. Dr. Diana Russell did an amazing bit of research to Recently the number of males victims has risen as more males are willing to disclose their histories. validate these stats.

    My hunch would be that within the WTS the stats are about the same and perhaps a bit higher because they encourage people to report abuse for the media's attention. But in practice the victims are gagged and the abusers are free to continue to abuse the victims they already have or find new ones.

    Any closed group such as the JWs is a prime setting for predators. The fact that the WTS protects and supports them is unforgivable.

  • codeblue


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