I was just thinking about how hypocritical it is for Jw's to declare things like birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc. as defiled because of their roots. Their roots, their beginning, in the days of Russell, are the things that they find disgusting today (the cross, birthdays, blood, etc.). Do they throw out their religion because of it's unsavory foundation?
Why can't we celebrate the joys of modern-day Christmas: giving gifts, being with family (not the pagan roots of various icons). Thanksgiving: gratitude and family (and not the massacre of indians).
They say that they've evolved, that their light as brighter, yet they still celebrate their beginnings. Well, I"m here to say that it is hypocritical to call Christmas,etc. wrong because of its beginnings when such events have evolved into something very different.
Can I hear an AMEN??
p.s. excuse my typos, don't have time to proof read this afternoon.