The JW's say that they have the "truth".
Is it up to them to prove that they are right, or up to others to prove them wrong?
by JH 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
Well, since every other religion also thinks they are the true religion, I think it's up to the jws to prove they are right.
It's surely up to them to prove it, but they think they do that.
The great thing about their claiming to have "The Truth" is that you only need to disprove one thing and you've proven them wrong. So I think it's easier to prove wrong, than right.
Neither. All religions have varying degrees of truth and falsehood. Only God will prove who is right and who is wrong in the end. Our task is to live our lives as closest as we can to what we feel God naturally expects of us, as revealed to us by nature, our own conscience (unless it is defective), and any divine communication (scripture) that we choose to accept (if any) after making an informed, rational investigation. If after an investigation you feel you cannot accept any claimed divine communication and remain sceptical, then live your life in harmony with natural law and obey your conscience (God's inner moral voice) and you won't go too far wrong.