I remember the last public talk Trev gave, and he remembers it as well. At the time, he had made the decision to step down, but decided to fulfil his obligation first. The talk was about the fruitage of the spirit, and he quoted a verse from a poem by T S Eliot, "The Hollow Men", which is his favourite :
We are the hollow men, we are the stuffed men, Leaning together. Headpieces filled wiith straw. Our dried voices. When we whisper together are quiet and meaningless as wind in dry grass
The way he applied it was people can seem to be filled with spirituality at the hall, but are really empty vessels, and while they have plenty to say, their actions don't match their words. He asked the question - which are we, hollow, or empty of spirituality or stuffed, filled with the fruitage of the spirit. Years later, he admitted to me that he was really directing his question at the elders, who "looked good", spiritually speaking from a distance, but were nothing much when you really got to know what they were like, just overly - judgemental men who displayed very few of the real fruitages of the spirit. He actually referred to that in his letter of resignation as an ms, so it's not surprising they were on his back afterwards, though he didn't stay long anyway, he'd left the org within a few months of resigning,
I guess your elders were very much like ours in that respect.