For the past 3 seasons, I have faithfully watching this Sunday night drama and last season was a yawner. Extremely boring compared to first season. However, this past Sunday's show was a dilly. I am thoroughly become obsessed all over again with this soap. Any other desperates out there?
Desperate Housewives - Season 3
by TresHappy 4 Replies latest social entertainment
I really didn't get into the first or second season; but I am watching this season. The last show was off the hook! That woman just totally lost it! Now, I don't know what to believe about her story about Brie's (sp?) new hubby. I keep asking my daughters "what happened last season" and "who's who"? I think I'm hooked. I also love "Brother's and Sisters" and "Grey's Anatomy".
Lost interest in Season 2 and I think I will never watch it again.
I am addicted to "Lost" and "Grey's Antomy"!! MMmmmm, when I think of Sawyer, Dr McDreamy and Dr. McSteamy, the thinks I could do to them!!!!!!!!!!
I am SO a Desperado. . .All the ladies at my office enjoy it-and we are all very diverse in other ways. This is our Monday morning bonding agent. I do have a dilemma, as Rachel Ray is on Iron Chef on Sunday at 9pm. I don't have tivo and have no idea how to record videos anymore(all our connections are complicated, and you can't just push 'tape' anymore)
I will miss Carolyn, but not the 'baby's momma'. They messed up by killing off Carolyn Biggsby, but I will get over it:)