"Its Exciting!"

by Defender 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Defender

    "Although the terrorist attack was horrific, but I must admit its exciting!" said one JW elder I spoke to on the phone yesterday.

    He said that there was a sister that has been a JW for more than 50 years that said "At last, something is hapenning."

    (BTW, he told me that most congregations in the US have been instructed that when talking to people, they should not bring up the issues of blood or neutrality.) Can anyone confirm this?

    I am sure many JWs shared the same sentiments as the above elder. A couple of years ago, I would have expressed similar comments.

    This is due to the fact that JWs are conditioned to associate world affairs to the sign of Jesus' presence. This is precisely what Jesus instructed his true followers NOT to do. Not wanting to disappoint them was his motive. But disapointment was definitely what was experienced by JWs who associated events leading up to and including WWI to be somehow linked to Jesus' return.

    Another disappointment was in store after the 1925 debacle, although no major world event took place then. Only the speculations if not false prophecies of Judge Rutherford were the culprit.

    Then, it was WWII. If the dropping of atomic bombs and the instant killings of a hundred thousand civilians in their homes could not be interpreted as a divine sign of some sort, I do not know what else could be. Yet, that too, was not it.

    The Cold War, that was born even before WWII was concluded, was heralded by JW writings as the last phase of the ongoing biblical struggle of King of The North and King of the South and would culminate in Armageddon. The Cold War ended in 1989.

    Since then, the US fought in Grenada, Panama, Gulf War, Somalia, Yugoslavia and due to last week's terrorist attack, another war is looming with Afghanistan.

    The world was shocked last week by the killing of thousands of innocent people only because they were able to see it live on television. More than half a million were slaughtered to death in Rawanda and the world, comparatively speaking, did not blink an eye. in Zaire, formerly known as Congo, more than one million persons are believed to have been killed in the past year alone and the killings are ongoing.

    War on Terrorism will be a long ongoing struggle, very much like the war on drugs, the war on crime and the war on organised crime. Sometime in the future, another conflict might raise its ugly head, and the drums of war will beat again.

    The point is that if a Christian is truly waiting for the return of his Lord and Master, then a sure recipe for disappointment is observing wars and conflicts as a sign.

  • ballistic

    There are some people here like YOU KNOW and REX who are going to be really disappointed when this war is over and the world economy picks up again. But will that make them re-consider their beliefs? No, like "a dog returning to it's vomit" they will sit and pine for the next sign of pending doom, sniffing at any sh|t they can dig up to satisfy their anarchistic tendencies which have a suedo contructive outlet within the whitewashed headstones of the "borg".

  • Latte


    I agree, that is seems that the dominant emotion is that of "excitment" of which I found quite frightening from my usually very caring JW friend. The more I think about her comments, the more I am repelled by JW's. I know that it is their 'conditioning' which rules their brains........the fear, etc.

    I shall have to be patient with her as I personally remember that FEAR, which also goes along with the “excitement”.

    Just my thoughts.


  • Tina

    Yanno that's one of the glaring dishonesties about most(not all) JW's. How publicly and in the ministry they 'commiserate' on such tragedies. And when they are together(no worldly ones) their excitement and glee come out. I know I saw this firsthand as a witness during other tragedies. It was behaviors like this that helped me 'out the door'. Thanks,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Esmeralda
    "At last, something is hapenning."

    That is exactly what my Mom said. She said she was excited because she can finally believe that she will get to see my Grandfather again in the resurrection.

    Just sickening...


    "Though you may disappear,
    you're not forgotten here,
    and I will say to you,
    I will do what I can do."
    ~Peter Gabriel

  • patio34

    How many people have waited excitedly in vain over the centuries--millenia--because of those words attributed to Jesus Christ in the Bible?

    What a major disappointment for them! Myself included for the past 28 years. I know, I know, the WTS party line is that in God's eyes 28 years are nothing. Well, in my life, it was the best years that are gone.

    At least I can use what's left of my life.


  • sawthelight

    they're all nuts!

  • peacepipe
    (BTW, he told me that most congregations in the US have been instructed that when talking to people, they should not bring up the issues of blood or neutrality.) Can anyone confirm this?

    Defender, I can reply to this to say that at the service meeting I was at which was the first Saturday after the tragedy everyone was very sad and somber. They were concerned about what had happened and not happy or excited about it. The person who prayed included in his prayer thoughts on the tragedy and how terrible it was and he prayed for the ones who were killed or affected by the tragedy. The elder leading the meeting discussed that he got a call from whoever who was relaying direction received from Bethel that in service NO JW issues were to be discussed but those going out is service were there to provide comfort and answers. Since the JW's couldn't show their support in ways of blood, patriotism etc they found that what was lacking was an "answer" to this tragedy and people were going to be looking for spirutual answers and guidance and that was the JW's way of helping. They also got out past AWAKE/WATCHTOWERS and TRACTS that had topics concerning the recent events. I know there are those of you who will say negative things about this but as an outsider I was relieved to get the feeling of warmth and genuine concern that was displayed.

    I have also had the opportunity to ask many witness how service had went the last couple weeks including the day of the above mentioned service meeting as well as the days directly following the tragedy and they all said nearly everyone the called on had questions and wanted to talk.

    I've also found it interesting that the book study of Isiah has seemed to so much coincide with what has been going on though I realize it may just be a coincidence or a watchtower illusion. Not sure.


    Lift me up, I've had enough. . .Tom Petty
  • Farkel

    : I've also found it interesting that the book study of Isiah has seemed to so much coincide with what has been going on though I realize it may just be a coincidence or a watchtower illusion. Not sure.

    I've also found it interesting that the book study of Isiah has seemed to so much coincide with what has been going on though out all of man's existence. I realize it is just a coincidence AND a watchtower illusion. I'm absolutely sure.


    "When in doubt, duck!"


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