Okay, as most of you know from my other posts I’m trying to reach someone who is a JW. Well, I was wondering if there were things that non-witnesses said to you that kept you from listening to them. Are there things I should be sure not to say while witnessing?
What not to say?
by Wendy_Warden 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Don't say I was reading on the Internet. A true witness is programed not to listen to any information not in support of their beliefs. I have been able to get most of my friend out of the BORG by getting them to go over a letter I call my blood letter. Many were Elders and Ministerial Servants. This letter only deals with the bible and Watchtower publications. A Witnesses can't stand not to discuss the blood issue when you tell them you want to know from the bible if it is correct. They think they are correct from the bible.
This works big time I have had three Circuit Overseers go over this with me and all three said I was correct but I needed to wait on Jehovah to change it. Many Elders, all said I was correct. This letter takes you from the start of blood in the bible and analyzes it leaving everyone that looks into it knowing the truth about blood. Then having to stand back wondering how in the world did the Society get this idea in the first place.
If you want the letter PM me and I will send it to you. Anyone else that would like it PM me as well.
Lady Liberty
Don't say I was reading on the Internet.
Hi Wendy,
I agree with Skyking. If you want to share something on the internet, make sure it is not threatening, and can no way be connected in his mind with "apostates".
For example: You could go to the Library to look at their Encyclopedias re: 607. Or you could say..lets see online what the Encyclopedias have to say on the subject..as if you have not seen it before.
You could do the same with the British Museum online. You could say.. I wonder if the British Museum would show those old tablets,, I wonder what date they show for the destruction of Jerusalem..oh look they ARE on line...etc.
(I used an example of 607 topic because of my own experience). One important thing that I personally did until I realized the Internet was not a "evil tool", was if I saw something quoted, I would google the topic for a scan. Sure enough 99% of the time somewhere someone had a scan of the subject. That way I grew more and more confident in what I was discovering was truthful. I still do that.
Witnesses are so brainwashed, they will almost always want to reject ANYTHING that is contrary to their belief system. The key is getting your friend to realize truth will withstand any kind of testing. It will always measure up, if it is truth. And coming full circle after a thorough examination, the process should be only faith strengthening.
Wendy, I sent you some info. let me know if you did not get it.
Lady Liberty
To give an example I was in a Judicial meeting this is a meeting were three Elders decide your fate as to whether or not they will excommunicate you. I handed the Elder that is now a CO a copy of the Guardian Newspaper, he let it fall on the ground and said he would not touch that apostate article. Think about that, an article from the Guardian Newsppaper? Wow the HELL could that be apostate? They think the devil is literally in anything that goes against them and he will literally jump out of the information and possess their thinking.
Here are some good thoughts on that subject from Free Minds!
Cheers! Atlantis-
Use the WT litterature, and be sure that it says what you think it says. A JW doesn't like do disagree with the WT, but they have no problem disagreeing with the Internet.
You should not trust the Internet yourself either. ;) On the Internet we can often find good points and nice quotes, especially on this site. But often (and most often on other sites) we can also find quotes and statements that are a little misleading. For instance, I once read that 'The Truth Shall Make you Free' prophesized that man would never go into space. When I checked in the book itself, the quote was correct, but the context was such that I would never have read it as a prophecy, only a statement of the facts at the time.
Still, most of the quotes from WT litterature that I have read, are fine, and can be used. Just remember to be sure that the JW doesn't have a good answer. You could for instance ask here on this site what a JW would answer to a particular question. (And do let the JW answer, and let they feel that you respect them.)
Always take your time to get the actual source in your own hands, so you don't have to prove your case with a print from some Internet site. For instance, it could be that my copy of the Truth book had been revised to remove an actual prophecy, but this is the copy I have, so I can't use that prophecy to prove that the Org is a false prophet. If you want to prove that the WT misquoted another book (e.g. Darwin), get a copy of the book and show them. (And let them defend the WT before you move on to the next quote! Don't even think of criticizing the WT, just let the JW repeat the defence after each misquote. In the end they will feel that this is unfortunate, even if they don't say it.)
Also, don't claim too much. Don't insist that you are right and they are wrong. Take your time to really understand the subject, and then ask simple and humble questions, one at a time so your JW doesn't suffocate. It can take lots of time to find the right way to put it, but it's worth the effort. I would not have claimed that the Org is a false prophet, but I did ask once how the WT can claim that they never said they are prophets, given 'these quotes from the WT, here are the photo copies'. (Be prepared to answer the question 'where did you find those old WT issues?')
With some experience you will also discover that some of the problems and questions found on the Internet already have been answered by the WT. No matter how bad that answer is, a JW will trust it, so it is some times pointless to use such questions. But if the question has not been addressed by the WT already, the JW is forced to think, and that's a good thing. :) If you have the Reasoning book most of the WT answers to common questions can be found there.
In other words: Try to think like a JW when you prepare your question to them. And ALWAYS be humble and loving. In your heart, not only on the surface.
That's my advice. It works for me, it might not work for others, and it may also depend on who the actual JW is. -
You guys are great with all this info. Thanks for going to so much much trouble all of you. I'll most certainly do what you all suggest.
I agree that you should use their own words, from an original WT publication. "Hang them with their own words" is my motto.
Get to know the topic well; test out your reasoning here on JWD. Many of us have 30 or more years experience as JWs some just exiting recently and others keeping up to date on current doctrines.
As it has been stated, don't overload the person. Develop one topic well, give them time to absorb it or come up with an explanation.
I had someone (never a JW) get me to think on 3 topics.
1) That I should prove with the scriptures that Jesus is Michael the Archangel. As I researched I found how the WTS was not as definite as I thought but left this open-ended.
2) The Mexico-Malawi political card hypocristy; did not get far because it could not be verified in any WT publications on the Mexico side.
3) 2300 days in Daniel's prophecy; I found how often the WTS had changed its interpretation of this
Did I leave the WTS right away? No, it took about 10 years. But it made me think and investigate deeply any assertions made in the WTS publications. Eventually, it was human cruelty and deliberately lying many times that made me see I needed to escape. I find in the end it is personal experience with the WTS that makes people finally leave.