Gil said: -- They could then claim Perseuction! Persecution! when the law comes down on their members! --
This is perhaps one of the more humorous though ultimately offensive aspects of the JW belief system. They deliberately set themselves up for derisive remarks by engaging in bullying behavior and then have the temerity to say they are being persecuted! It is funny because they do it and get away with it on the inside but highly offensive to those on the outside who truly know what persecution is! And all the more today with the news so filled with REAL persecution! When you can stop public transportation with people from your own country who are part of your own religion only a different sect of it and then kidnap and slaughter them thereafter strewing their bodies as a public spectacle of your heinous acts THAT is persecution! Getting someone to say something unfavorable about you because you stuck your finger in their eye is not persecution it is just desserts! The arrogance of this group, [I feel true remorse from ever having felt and exhibited this behavior myself as a Witness], is astounding and quite disgusting. As I said, it is funny on the one hand because it is so twisted but more offensive on the other because it trivializes the ones who are truly being and have been persecuted through no fault of their own! Even within their own group it should be offensive! The poor souls in Malawi who were brutalized and then murdered who were Witnesses truly suffered PERSECUTION. Not because they distributed a KN which had an inflammatory title but because their religious leaders invoked their 'neutrality' doctrine which put these poor souls at odds with their government and led to their persecution. As it turns out, though this happened 30 plus years ago, this particular type of terroristic persecution is now being visited upon anyone who does not fall into line with a ruling or prevailing ideology and creates for all the world a true and immediate example of what REAL persecution looks like. Here in America and in other 'freer' parts of the world where Jehovah's Witnesses proudly exhibit their 'persecuted' banner I hope folks will remind them they are in no way being persecuted because folks disagree and say as much. These folks need to have everyone point out that when you are in their face with caustic and religiously offensive commentary you are going to hear about it and having someone point out your error is considered a 'favor' by most 'thinking' individuals--not persecution!