A sad sight to see........

by Gill 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    Every evening, after dinner, husband and me go for a half hour walk. We leave the younger kids with the older ones and we're off!

    Last evening we were striding along and we saw a man a little way ahead of us dressed in suit and overcoat, carrying a brief case and continually looking at his watch. He stopped at the crossing looking very harrassed and we caught up with him. It was my cousin, an Elder at the local KH. He looked stressed and red faced and at first didn't even seem to recognise us. I said 'Hello' and he seemed to snap out of his concentration. He was on his way to an Elders Meeting after being at work all day. He had rushed home and was now rushing off to another meeting!

    We watched him dash off to the hall after saying 'bye'.

    'That's sad!' my husband said. 'He should be at home with his wife......making babies or something!.'

    .(They're a childless couple in their mid forties who are waiting for the New System to have children!)

    We talked about them for a while and suddenly started laughing.

    I wanted to be sure we laughing about the same thing. 'We are laughing at ourselves and how we used to be aren't we.....and not them.'

    My husband nodded. 'I can't believe we used to be like that!'

    We've come a long way....to the point of really not giving tupence what happens at the WTBTS.

    However, when I see things like I saw last night, I realise that the fight is still on and the WTBTS must not be allowed to continue quietly deceiving but MUST continually be challenged like all things bad and evil.

  • Clam

    Good one Gill. It's certainly odd to see what we used to be. The ghost of Christmas past so to speak.

    The fact that they're childless though and relying on procreating in the news system is poignant, but may be giving them some warped comfort. Are they too old for IVF, have they been down that route, or is IVF a no-no in Dubland?

  • Gill

    Hi Clam - As far as I'm aware they're both or have always been fertile and perfectly capable of having children. They made a big thing of saying they would not have children in 'this system' and wait for the New Order of things. Now, whenever I meet her she talks about children and babies.........

    She has been a FT pioneer for most of her life. Though he works FT he has been an Elder for twenty years.

    He cut his work schedule down to four days a week as he was interested in pursuing his hobby and making a career out of it. But, I ran into him on one of his days off and he bemoaned bitterly how the PO,having found out that he now had a 'day off' in the week had given him extra paper work and jobs from the KH to sort out. His wife was also upset about his plans having been scuppered by the PO. A year later he went back to working five days a week.

    People like them remind me to be angry with the WTBTS and not its members with their caged minds......and bodies.

  • Clam
    People like them remind me to be angry with the WTBTS and not its members with their caged minds......and bodies.

    True Gill. Lots of things the Society does reminds me to be angry.

  • Gill


    Every so often I sort of drift from JWD and my 'dastardly anti Watchtower deeds'. But then something like this gives me a big kick up the behind to get moving again.

  • penny2
    He had rushed home and was now rushing off to another meeting!

    Yep, the sooner they scrap all those meetings - oh, and field service, the better.

    I say things like that to my JW mum sometimes and she gets really annoyed. She doesn't like them either but she's not allowed to say it.


  • Gill

    Penny - People in 'da troof' cannot bear to hear The Truth about anything!

  • becca1

    Good observation Gill. I was raised in a hectic household like your cousin's. It wasn't much fun.

  • MsMcDucket

    Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all who are weary and heavy–laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and You shall find rest for your souls. For Myyoke is easy and My load is light." (Mathew 11:28-30)

    I don't think that the Watchtower is on the same page as Jesus.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    And I was always told that jehovahs witnesses were the happiest people on earth....

    Someone must have forgotten to tell your cousin...

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