The most recent Watchtower offers the usual nausea inducing, mind-numbing and jaw dropping sort of brazen hypocrisy they are becoming
famous for by accusing other religions of being the antichrist.
Page 5 of the Dec 1 06 Watchtower says the antichrist includes those that "falsely claim to represent Christ or that improperly
ascribe to themselves the role of Messiah by presumptously promising to achieve that which only Christ can do- bring about
true peace and security".
But the Bible says that the "Father ... has committed all the judging to the Son" ( John 5:22) Yet, the Watchtower freely demands
that bodies of their appointed elders judge people's relationship to God and choose to accept or reject their repentance,
acting as God themselves. If you take the place of Christ in judging, what does that make you?
Still not impressed? Go into any Kingdom Hall and identify yourself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Then, speak freely
about Jesus in a personal way and make a point of calling him "Lord" repeatedly, as early Chrsitians did. What reaction
will you get? Shunning? People drawing away from you? Sudden accusations of "apostasy"?
If you can't speak about Jesus in a personal way, like Paul ( 1 Tim 1:12) among these people, what does that make them?
Here's another one: Pick up any Watchtower volume at random. Now, search for any ( or all) articles about "Life
experiences" of Jehovah's Witnesses. Try and FIND ANY LIFE EXPERIENCE THAT EVER MENTIONS CHRIST IN A
PERSONAL WAY and gives him thanks. In fact, you might have a difficult time finding any reference at all to Christ
in these accounts. If Christ is reduced to such a minor, perfunctory, almost irrelevant role - in contrast to early Christians - exactly
what does that make the Watchtower?
and finally, consider the Watchtower's official explanation of the Bible's statement that "there is one mediator between God and man".
They apply this only to the 144, 000 and no one else. If they deny the mediator, what does that make them?