My wife is going to be a very happy camper....

by Hecklerboy 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hecklerboy

    I just scored a pair of ticket to a Josh Groban concert in NC this spring. She is a major fan of this guy and I have to admit the dude can sing. We went to one of his concert a couple of year ago and it was awesome. It's the only concert I've been too where the performer actually sounds better in concert than on the album.

    There's no better feeling than making your wife happy!!!

    BTW: The name of his new album is kind of ironic don't ya think?

  • Little Bo Peep
    Little Bo Peep

    Saw that album cover too, and immediately thought of the Awake magazine. Hope he isn't a JW. Do love his singing. Enjoy the concert!

    Bo Peep

  • bikerchic


    I think he has an awesome soulful voice but most of his songs seem to be of a religious nature which makes me turn him off the radio every time. Heck that's just me I'm sure that if you're into that kind of music you would really love to see him in person, nothing like the real thing!

  • jaguarbass

    There's no better feeling than making your wife happy!!!

    The remuneration can be very good also!

  • wvpeach


    I agree there is not better feeling than making our loved ones happy .


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