I have posted here before about my shop being burglarized. A couple days ago 2 men broke into a business around the corner from mine. After gaining access they broke through a wall getting into an electronics shop burglarizing them, not being satisfied they then climbed into an attic and attempted to rob a Mr. Gattis Pizza they fell through the roof onto the kitchen floor. The police arrived and arrested them.
Yesterday I called the detective investigating the robberies at my location and asked if the fingerprints they lifted matched the ones of the guys they arrested. He told me he would call me tomorrow. (today is now tomorrow)
Relsults: Not a clear print but enough points to indicate it was them but not enough conclusively. The detective told me that the judge released them on their own recognasance and more than likely they will only get probation and no time. What the hell kind of justice is that?
Now these creeps are back on the street.
I just had to vent. Time to move on I can't afford another burglary as this is 3 times in 1 year.