Does the Watchtower Society—help the economy?

by The wanderer 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    Does the Watchtower Society —help the economy?

    Considering the fact that the Watchtower Society is a mult-
    million dollar corporation this question deserves consider-

    The machine, better now as the Watchtower has major
    investments in stocks, bonds, mutual funds and real

    Speculation about the governments

    Is it possible that the governments know exactly what
    the Watchtower is all about? But, because it generates
    so much revenue for other businesses that they allow
    such a corporation to exist?

    Or, do they allow them to exist simply because of legal
    reasons, such as freedom of religion?

    Similar to the cigarette companies?

    The governments of this world allow cigarette manufacturers
    to exist knowing what kind of aliments cigarette smoking
    causes. Yet, they still allow it, because banning it would
    produce an adverse effect on certain economies.

    What are your thoughts?

    1. Do you think the governments know what the Society is all about?

    2. Do you think they allow them to exist because it is good for business?

    Please add your commentary and
    perspective on the matter so that
    all can learn.


    The Wanderer

  • jaguarbass

    Hello Wanderer, if your looking for varied responses, the most varied I can give you is the answer to your question is covered in the book "The Children of the Matrix" by David Icke.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Do you think the governments know what the Society is all about?

    Not completely. I don't think anyone outside the governing body knows that. T he rest of the world, including governments, only know what the wts chooses to tell them, which isn't guaranteed to be the truth anyway, remambering their use of the theocaratic warfare strategy - only those entiltled to now the truth will be told it.

    Do you think they allow them to exist because it is good for business?

    I suppose they make a contribution to certain businesses, but so do most religions, so it will be more than that. They are allowed to exist because there is no reason, from a political viewpoint, to destroy them.

  • hambeak

    It would seem to me that the gov't would know something because to keep their tax exempt status they have to show the sources of their income.

    If the wts is indeed investing in stocks, bonds and mutual funds and any businesses, it is my understanding that they would have to pay income tax on that income. I have never heard of the wts investing in such or owning businesses. This would be news to me but not surprising. I would like to know some of the names of these businesses and how can you find out into which stocks, bond etc they have invested in.

    I don't think the r&f even know about this. A few years back the Mormon church had some scandal as I recall in regard to their vast holdings and enjoying tax exempt status. I would like to learn more about this.

  • blondie

    Actually, the only figures on the WTS show it to be a 951 million dollar corporation, not a multi-Billion dollar corporation.

    Prove that any corporation helps the economy.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Blondie:

    Thank you for the correction.
    However, after seeing that figure is
    that the Watchtower's World Headquarters
    in New York or is that all of the Watch-
    tower's World-Wide?

    If it is only for New York, then the
    possibility exists that it may very
    well be a multi-billion dollar corp-

    Just my thoughts ...


    The Wanderer

    "British American Tobacco is the world’s most international tobacco group with brands sold in 180 markets. We make the cigarette chosen by one in seven of the world’s one billion adult smokers. We have leadership in more than 50 markets. Our companies, including associates, employ almost 97,000 people worldwide, with around 800 of our managers working outside their home country at any point." Source:

  • rebel8

    As a NY taxpayer, I'd love it if the wts started paying property taxes, collecting sales taxes, and paying for Worker's Compensation, Disability Insurance, and paying health insurance premiums so I don't have to pay increased taxes for Medicaid.......and so on.

    As to the org's investments, I would think that is very much cancelled out by the fact that millions of their members purposely live at or below poverty level so they can preach full time, therefore not contributing to the economy as individuals.

    banning it [tobacco] would produce an adverse effect on certain economies

    I know this is way off topic, but I researched this topic recently, and here's what I found. Not good for the economy after all.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Your format often creeps me out, but I enjoy most of your questions.

    This one is kind of strange, though.

    Are you referring to the United States allowing the WT to exist or all governments,
    because each has their own reason. The U.S. allows many cults to exist, based
    on freedoms and liberties. I think they would love to see the WT gone, though, for
    it is taxfree, it's labor force have little income. Not much advantage in keeping it around.
    Local government loses the taxes on each KH property also.

    Worldwide governments mostly tolerate cults like WT for similar reasons or perhaps
    for the fact that WTS controls people, keeping them from revolt. Most would also
    probably love to see them go away, though. Some past and present governments have
    not looked upon WTS favorably at all.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Hello OnTheWayOut:

    Regarding the format, I know it has been brought
    to my attention a number of times, and I will
    test other formats out.

    I meant all governments not just the United


    The Wanderer

    P.S. You gave me food for thought regarding
    governments and cults. Great comment.

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    I Really like your format...

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