Does the Watchtower Society —help the economy?
Considering the fact that the Watchtower Society is a mult-
million dollar corporation this question deserves consider-
The machine, better now as the Watchtower has major
investments in stocks, bonds, mutual funds and real
Speculation about the governments
Is it possible that the governments know exactly what
the Watchtower is all about? But, because it generates
so much revenue for other businesses that they allow
such a corporation to exist?
Or, do they allow them to exist simply because of legal
reasons, such as freedom of religion?
Similar to the cigarette companies?
The governments of this world allow cigarette manufacturers
to exist knowing what kind of aliments cigarette smoking
causes. Yet, they still allow it, because banning it would
produce an adverse effect on certain economies.
What are your thoughts?
Do you think the governments know what the Society is all about?
Do you think they allow them to exist because it is good for business?
Please add your commentary and
perspective on the matter so that
all can learn.
The Wanderer