I just wondered how many of you were still doing books studies with potential converts and door to door work when you had already decided the organisation was NOT the truth? How did this feel? Did you alter your approach? Would the potential converts have known that something was up or would this have been too dangerous. (This is me wishfully thinking that the JWs who come over to "convert" me might be having doubts...)
Still doing Book studies before you left?
by truthsearcher 8 Replies latest jw friends
I wasn't. The last few months I was attending meetings, I didn't go out in the field service very much at all. I hadn't had a study with anyone for over a year, they were becoming very hard to find, and the last few times I did put service time in, I wasn't really trying to start one.
Star Moore
Hello truthsearcher:
I was full time pioneering for the last 5 years.. and quit service Aug. 15, 2005 and quit the meeting Sept. 1, 2005. I am still studying with a woman whom I was then studying with. She made the leap with me. ..Am studying also with a family of ex witnesses and a friend who is an ex witness..
I still like studying alot. and am very happy I have people to study with..
I did reverse bible studies; people would turn over studies to me and I would convince them to stop studying. We would just meet and talk, have tea and cookies, go shopping, etc.
I stopped d2d 5 years before leaving.
mama bear
-- I just wondered how many of you were still doing books studies with potential converts and door to door work when you had already decided the organisation was NOT the truth? How did this feel? Did you alter your approach? Would the potential converts have known that something was up or would this have been too dangerous. (This is me wishfully thinking that the JWs who come over to "convert" me might be having doubts...) --
Nah...in November of 1997 I had a meltdown at the kingdom hall in the 'blue room' with two elders. Went home, was devastated..took me a long time to pull through. Changed congregations, was on and off at meetings for the next year and then finally just quit going. However, prior to November 1997 I had been auxillary pioneering on a continuos basis for about a year trying to build up hours, studies and stamina to regular pioneer. My application allegedly got lost in the mail. There was a changing of the guard. The new guard took exception to my fashion sense...yeah...the fashion police...I took exception to their wanting me to look like their mousy wives and after everything was said and done my heart was literally broken, my spirit crushed and my will to continue on dissipated! As I have said here before, I wound up in a deep depression in the fetal position on our bed for awhile and when I pulled myself out of it I hated everyone in authority from God down to the elders and wanted nothing to do with any of them. Due to family obligations however we stuck it out for another year. But one day, one Sunday we looked at each other and said what are we doing and spent the day at home. The following Thursday hubby had number two talk..he had been demoted to 'count your blessings you still have school privileges so be happy with the #2 talk' status...he gave a resounding reading...actually the best ever! In fact, it was so stirring the school overseer spewed out accolades in abundance. However, when my hubby was finished with his talk, he dramatically closed his Bible, looked up at the entire audience, said 'thank you' motioned to me with his hand to pick up our things, stepped down the 3 steps to our row, reached out for my hand and walked me down the aisle and out the back door and asked me how it felt to never have to go there again! I was so speechless and so blown away we went out and celebrated just laughing our collective hineys off with the faces and you know the things they would be saying about this for a long time to come. Not to mention the great things the school overseer was saying and it would be the last talk! I mean . that number 2 talk was dynamite....and let's face it..they are hard to make exciting...but his dramatic presence both in poise and in style...my heart went pitter patter....we have not gone back...never will...and to this day my husband cracks me up routinely when he quips something out of the blue that is all JW life related...catches me sideways sometimes and I lose it laughing so hard. What a life we lived..
Wow, Mama Bear, I can't imagine what that was like the day you walked out...how wonderful to have the support and understanding of your husband! Have you heard through the grapevine what was said after you left?? Your story is another classic example of how legalism is a yoke around the neck--the very thing that Christ condemned the Pharisees for doing.
I just past them on to the brothers who I went on studies with, saying that I had other commitments. I stopped going on the ministry about 5 months before leaving faking my report slip every time. I didn't want to spread any more lies.
Star Moore, isn't it great to be able to study and peruse the Bible without the blinders put on us previously by the Society? I find it very refreshing to do so and can't believe some of the newer insights I have over old subjects.
Blonde congratulations you are great hope the reverse studies were fruitful. Buff
My dad use to study with this guy before he actually disassociated...the guy's wife was a witness. Anyway, my dad was actually studying the truth about "the truth" with him. The guy never did become a witness. Hmm!