"Truth is great and will prevail if left to herself. She is the
proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear
from the conflict, unless, by human interposition, disarmed of her
natural weapons, free argument and debate; errors ceasing to be
dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them."
--Thomas Jefferson: Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom, 1779.
Compare and contrast to the Witness position--that truth cannot survive open debate.
Thomas Jefferson, on The Truth
by under_believer 6 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
Dear Under_Believer,
Another quotation of TJ's, which has become a favorite of mine:
I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of
tyranny over the mind of man. [source--?]
As you already know, there are numerous statements in WT literature regarding one's need to seek the "truth" and upon finding it, to cling to it tenaciously. Of course, that applies to those not yet IN the Organization. Yes, argument and debate are legitimate tools for the free citizen's use and protection. It never ceases to amaze me that so simple and basic a concept, our inalienable right, was gradually and insidiously taken from us. Our "non-transferable" right was signed over to a religious entity who knew what was best for us. Well, things certainly have changed!
Thanx for that quotation; it's going into my notebook.
Argumentally yours,
How about it? Does the Society's opposition to free debate and discussion (including excommunication for those that dare to disagree with the Society's doctrines) help or hinder truth? Does truth need the Society's help and protection?
How about it? Does the Society's opposition to free debate and discussion (including excommunication for those that dare to disagree with the Society's doctrines) help or hinder truth? Does truth need the Society's help and protection? - under_believer
Beyond doubt, it is an enormous hinderance to the truth. The societies opposition to open discussion and free debate, is really an issue of maintaning their control over the group, and is not about protecting any supposed truth. As Jefferson pointed out, truth needs no protection. While there is a "flat earth" society, you certainly don't find science organizations trying to stamp out their publications. The truth about the shape of the earth needs no such protection. The problem for the society, and for most other religious groups, is that there is no such concrete truths to be found in the bible. In many cases the bible contradicts itself, or is silent on the specifics of a given theological doctrine. This leaves much room for manuever, and therefore the plethora of religious teachings we see today. While this situation may be good foder for religious debate, it is a terrible problem for religious authorities. Which is why, from the beginning, religious authorities have sought to suppress religious views which don't agree with their's. After all, if you're free to disagree, you're free to set your own standards of worship, and therefore, don't need the authorities.
The truth does not need, nor want, the help and protection of liars.
The societies opposition to open discussion and free debate, is really an issue of maintaning their control over the group, and is not about protecting any supposed truth. As Jefferson pointed out, truth needs no protection. While there is a "flat earth" society, you certainly don't find science organizations trying to stamp out their publications. The truth about the shape of the earth needs no such protection. The problem for the society, and for most other religious groups, is that there is no such concrete truths to be found in the bible. In many cases the bible contradicts itself, or is silent on the specifics of a given theological doctrine. This leaves much room for manuever, and therefore the plethora of religious teachings we see today. While this situation may be good foder for religious debate, it is a terrible problem for religious authorities. Which is why, from the beginning, religious authorities have sought to suppress religious views which don't agree with their's. After all, if you're free to disagree, you're free to set your own standards of worship, and therefore, don't need the authorities
WoooooooooooooooHoooooooooooo and THAT is the Truth!!!! ;)