forgive me for being thick but what are blood fractions?
blood fractions
by Ellie 5 Replies latest jw friends
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If you ask ANY JW to take the divine inspired word of God and show you where this Chart is found, they will be unable to, the only source for any explanation of this chart is found within the pages of WT publications that jw claim are not INSPIRED, yet one must be willing to Die for this chart, depending on where you fall-
Approved list or Unapproved list
Try this the next time you talk to a JW-
Hand him YOUR Bible and Ask: "how does the Watchtower decide which parts of blood God permits?"
could you used bible to show me since this issue could prove to be a life and death situation
The bits and pieces of blood the Society says are OK. Or, the bits and pieces of blood the Sociaty used to say were not OK (NO blood or blood pruducts), and you may have been disfellowshipped for accepting and may have died for not accepting.
Thanks guys, lol, yeah I really am a bit thick, but just having a convo with a witness and wanted to be sure I knew what I was saying, thanks!!