I was a JW from age 12 to age 21. I also had an extremely dysfunctional family. I am sitting here at work (work is slow) and I am wondering whether there was a bigger influence on me to have co-dependency behavior from my life as a JW or the fact that my family was really messed up.
I am thinking about the fact that I am soon to be divorced from a second person who has an addictive personality and/or abusive type of personality, and I am wondering how much influence the JWs instilled in me to marry quickly and try to make that marriage work even after finding out how dysfunctional that person is.
I am not looking for excuses or blame. I know I am the one who made the wrong choices. But sometimes I wonder how much influence the JWs have had on my life of poor choices?
Any thoughts on whether you think my growing up in a dysfunctional family, or whether you think the JWs had more of an influence on the bad decisions I've made?