Catholics, JWs and personal conscience and Blackmail

by JWdaughter 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWdaughter

    Interesting article about the fact that 99.4% of conscientious objectors in S. Korea are JW. Guess who is supporting a legal maneuver to make it possible for them to do alternative service rather than military service? The Roman Catholic Church. It was stated: "Leaders of Religious men's institutes have called on the National Assembly and the government not to jail conscientious objectors but to introduce alternatives to military service instead."

    " In the light of the Gospel, the Catholic Church supports conscientious objection and an alternative to military service, the statement says, citing paragraph 503 of the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church."

    "Jesuit Father Francis Kim Chong-dae, president of the Committee for Justice, Peace and Environment of the men's Religious superiors, maintained that the superiors' statement affirms established Church tradition. "People can refuse obligatory military service that is in conflict with their conscience, and that is the spirit of the Church," he told UCA News."

    "The Religious superiors pointed out that 600 young men are jailed every year for being conscientious objectors, with about 900 currently in prison. Were an alternative to military service available, such "tragedies" would not happen, they asserted."

    I think it is interesting how the Catholic Church supporting something that they are not forcing on their members. Yet, "In the light of the Gospel" the Church supports those who have conscientious objections and alternative service. The church tradition is that they can refuse service if it in conflict with their conscience-that is the spirit of the church." Anyone else find it interesting that the RC church supports actual conscientious objection, while they do not tell their membership how their conscience should think? I know that the church is very pro country and anti war-but they do NOT tell folks how to think or mandate what they should do in a given situation that is truly a matter of ones actual conscience. At least in this case! I wonder how often the JW/WT has stood up for things that very few JWs make issue of? How much are they willing to step in for their own people who do something according to their conscience that ISN'T mandate by the religion? They never step in unless they can score some point for the WT society itself. It is never about sticking up for the humble, R&F JW doing the right thing. Jws are on their own unless they refuse blood or military service - things that they would be kicked out of the church for participating in.

    No Catholic is compelled by their religion or their family to refuse military service, but the church recognizes that as a valid response to their own teachings. What one does as a matter of conscience should not be compelled into that act by the threat of shunning and absolute rejection-that is truly more accurately blackmail, not conscience based.

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    What the.....?

    Must be that demons are trying to win favor with the witnesses so the "joint rulers" will have mercy on them during the coming age!

    P.S. Got my vision back!

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