What scary stories were you told?

by sundawn77 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • sundawn77

    I'm new here; I "faded away" 3 years ago. I'll tell my story soon when it's not so hard to think about.

    I'm just wondering what stories other people were told about demons that ensured that nobody watched scary movies or listened to certain music (in my case, Stevie Nicks, go figure). Elders and my friends' parents, and other kids in the congregation all had stories of people watching movies and waking up to see a demon in their room! Or buying a picture frame, for example, from a flea market only to have it float around a room. What the hell is this about? Scare tactics? When I was a teenager, I was so afraid of the dark; petrified that I was going to wake up and see something... My little sister (who is 21) is still afraid. What do you think?

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Welcome to the board!

    Still havent seen the Exorcist.... but really don't want to.

    I remember riding my bike home in the dark once after visiting with some other kids and the topic actually went to demons. I remember pedaling as fast as I could and chanting, "Jehovah...Jehovah...Jehovah...Jehovah" all the way home!

    I was saturated with those type of stories growing up! Second hand sofas that had political pins squished down between the cushions... appearantly the pin saturated the whole couch and it wouldn't even burn!... Shoes seem to be really popular places for demons to hang out too. Had an uncle wearing second hand shoes that caught himself on fire while repairing a carburetor. Luckily, most of these stories had an elder close by that was able to somehow get rid of the infestation.... and didn't even have to use a herd of pigs!

    For chuckles, I wrote a similar post a while back...

    I wonder how long tell there's a "young people ask" article:

    "With all the Demons having nothing better to do than set up house inside items that have been set aside for garage sales, should I, as a young person who loves Jehovah and his organization just avoid these Satanic garage sales entirely. Or can I just safely go to the garage sales of my faithful brothers and sisters from the Kingdom Hall. Also, If I eat a hamburger from a Demon possessed restaurant, how can I get rid of it... Should I enduce vomiting or just wait to poop it out later. If I do wait for it to pass naturally, would I be better off wiping my butt with a watchtower than toilet paper.... You can't be too careful, you know"

  • hambeak


    Yes I had scary stories about demons and demonic possession, especially about scary movies and demon possesed articles Talk about superstitions I am sure glad to be free of that nonsense.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi sundawn and welcome to the forum.

    When I was studying, I was told to be careful about buying second - hand items as they might be demon possessed, and for years I was wary of that. Looking back, I can't understand how I didn't see such advice for the utter rubbish it really is

  • jaguarbass

    Now that you bring this topic up, it rings a bell, in my way back machine. I remember a story my brother told me about 30 years ago, at that time my brother and I were both witnesses. My brother was watching Johny Carson or one of those late night shows and there was a guest on talking about demons and how they could come out of the tv and possess you. After my brother watched that show the demon got him and he ended up fighting the demon at night when he went to bed for like a year. Thats the closest I came to a story like that. My brother left the organization about 1990. Since leaving he is what I would describe as paranormally active. He has had many paranormal experieces with the dead or those who say they are dead. He has even taken pictures of them. They are called orbs. He has taken pictures of orbs blown them up and the spirits have drawn pictures in the orbs. The orbs tend to appear after a loved one or animal passes. Then there is a lot of orb activity that my brother captures. When my father died a few years ago, my camera was even photographing the orbs. Even dissinterested friends cameras would photograph the orbs. Their was a lot of discernable psycic activity. About a year after my fathers passing we were no longer capturing orbs. If you are not attuned to things like this you may be oblivious to it. I was not aware until my brother pointed these things out to me. My brother also has taken a tape recorder and turned it on at a family get togehters and recorded us all talking at the table ,say at thanksgiving. When he plays it back there will be voices that dont belong to any one in the family saying things that none of us said. There was a movie about things similar to this called "White noise". I personally have seen the orbs I have even photographed some. And I have heard the voices or at least one voice on a tape of a family get together. I am not psychic like my brother and I do not encourage or welcome the psychic activity in my life. I do think there is something out there. That something can be explained various ways and as various things which people could and have written books about.

  • MsShockJock

    There was a circuit overseer who told the pioneer group about a pioneer sister from another congregation who had a demon sitting on her legs all night while she slept to prevent her from being able to walk out in service the next day. He always had bizaare, and grossly graphic, stories to tell the congregation. The WTS used him and his wife in one of their videos on marriage.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    There is no end to the stupid demon-haunted-world stories these people have to tell. I remember being scared out of accepting gifts from "worldly" people because of stories like the one about a woman who accepted a ring from "someone worldly," later assumed to be "demoninzed." Well, apparently she had more than one demon attached to her, because, as the story goes, the JW who accepted the ring became "possessed" and was instructed to throw it off a bridge by the Elders, who should have just dropped the woman off at the local Psych Ward. Supposedly, they all heard the ring screaming as it was thrown off. They should have all gone to the Psych Ward. I used to have recurrent nightmares about being chased by (presumably) the horses belonging to the horsemen of the Apocalypse because of those scary Watchtower and Awake pictures and articles. Strange thing though, there were no horsemen, just horses, and it was always in some kind of underground tunnel. I was terrified easily as a kid and believed all that crap; I used to sleep with my head under the covers and had terrible insomnia and anxiety and wet the bed until I was 14 or 15 (and of course I was ashamed of that, too)! I don't know if the JWs caused anxiety, or just exacerbated it. I do know they did not help me to relax and feel safe, never, ever. It's awful to frighten children like that. When my daughter was really little, when I used to allow her to visit my parents, my dad decided to ruin her little unicorn toys by breaking off their horns because he thought they might be dangerous. It really upset her to have her toys ruined like that and it upset me because I believe very strongly in respecting childrens' rights to their own things, space and in giving them as much autonomy as is safely possible. That was one of the straws that began to break the camels back, as far as my daughter going to visit my parents. It only got worse after that, in many ways with both my parents. They're such destructive hypocrites, full of superstition while criticizing and accusing everyone else of it.

  • Fatfreek

    Ah yes, Stevie Nicks. A few years ago on my way to work -- yes, it was this time of year -- I heard her on my car radio with a rendition of "Silent Night".

    I normally don't get caught up emotionally with vocalists but when I got to work I had tears coming down my cheeks. Her performance on this number is so throaty and with so much soul, I would have to rate it number 1 of all the renditions I've heard. I vowed I would somehow get that track -- but haven't kept that vow.

    Guess what I'm going to Google for after I post this?


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