I'm just curious - it seems to me that there was no religion so vilified by by jws as the catholics - most esp pre vatican II (ie - 50's early to mid '60's). Are there any tht either returned to their Catholic roots, or were raised jw and converted?
Any ex- witness catholics out there?
by sosad 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes, there are some of us here. I returned to the Church in 1966 after having been a JW for about 7 and a half years. Jeff Schwehm also posts on this forum at times. He has a site you might find interesting.
I'm Catholic. I was raised a nominal Protestant and left the JWs and was involved with various Evangelical Protestant churches for about 10 years. Entered the Catholic Church in 1992. It was the last place I thought I'd ever end up. My wife, who had been a regular pioneer for 8 years, thought I was crazy...first, for leaving the JWs and secondly, for becoming Catholic. She entered the Church in 2001. We're celebrating 30 years of marriage this year. It's been quite a journey!
I grew up attending different churches, but most of my time was spent in the Catholic church. I also attended Catholic school till 5th grade.
I'm athiest now. However, immediately after realizing how wrong the jw's are, I felt that the Catholics had "it" right all along and boy oh boy, did I feel bad for riding the jw wave against them even though they (cath) were what I knew prior. I told myself I would go on back to them to get confirmed, and then soon after, lost the need for any religion and deity belief.
I was baptized a JW for 31 years and finally woke up. There is not a religion on earth God is using. All are money hungry and greedy persons will not inherit God,s Kingdom. God does not need a religion to represent him because he has his word "the Bible."
There's plenty of phoneys out there...even in the Catholic Church. But, there's plenty who are not in many different religions also.
I had a falling out with our Parish priest about how much $$$$ we were expected to fork over for our children to make their first Communion and was contacted by the JWs a few months later....and ended up being baptized a year and a half after that.
I have to say though, that not ONCE did anyone at our church shun me or even say anything unkind to me when I became a JW. What a difference when I left the WTS and how the JWs are told to treat those that leave!
Anyway.....I have not gone back (nor will I ever) go back to the Catholic church, but still strongly believe in God and in a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior.
I was born and raised as a Roman Catholic, and used to go to church on a regular basis. Then I got involved with the JWs when I was 22, stayed in the JWS for over 30 years, until I found out about the UN Involvement etc, disassociated myself in 2002. I'm now reading lots of books and I'm coming to the conclusion, that there is NO correct religion backed by God. I even have doubts now about whether the bible is God's inspired word. There ARE contradictions in it.