Can we unite with a cause?

by uninformed 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • uninformed

    Yesterday, Wanderer suggested that we use our numbers on this DB to accomplish something.

    My question, hopefully will get the attention of Scully, Blondie Leolaia and others with the supreme intelligence around here.


    The following is a quote from a young girl (Renee--MY STORY) that was posted a couple of days ago.

    It infuriates me that a NON-PROFIT organization would go to some poor kid and demand a refund on the money that they spent on the repair of her grandma's house, and then disfellowship her for a 7 year old accustation.

    With the kind of reasoning that they used on her, I would be in line for a refund of 10's of thousands of dollars over the last 45 years of donations, quick-builds,. etc.

    I cried. I had no idea what to do. My father came to tell me goodbye. My mother came to tell me goodbye. I called many of those I knew who were former Jehovah’s Witnesses and now Christians. They helped me to make a decision about what to do. I remember Frankie telling me that I had to make a decision. I had to stand for Jesus and make a decision to follow him and depend on him or else to give in to the Witnesses. I followed her advice. I prayed to receive Christ into my life and I decided what I had to do. That was the moment that my life began to transform.

    I walked into the room of the judicial committee. They asked me to describe the details of the sin to them. I told them that God had already forgiven me seven years prior and I did not have to justify myself to them. I added that I no longer wished to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. They asked me to leave the room so they could talk. I waited. When it was time, they called me back. They said that they wanted me to make a donation for $1282.00 for some work they had “volunteered” to do after the Katrina disaster to my great grandmother’s house in which I was livng. For some reason I gave them the money. They asked me to sign a piece of paper saying that I no longer wished to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It was over.

    When I read something like this, I want to go get a lawyer and sue these guys for that kind of crap.

    CAN WE?

    Someone with some brains get back to me.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I don't know how functional my brain is but. . .

    The WTS has a bottomless purse with enough money to keep almost all claims out of court. People have almost gone bankrupt trying to fight against the WT machine in a court of law.

    And it makes not one iota of progress in helping JWs see the WTS as a corrupt organization that has absolutely nothing to do with being God's spokesperson.

    The biggest and most effective challenge to the WTS has been the Internet and the inability of the WTS to no longer be in total control of the WTS' godly pronouncements.

    The more we speak out about our experiences the harder it is for the WTS to silence us. The media have been a huge help especially when it comes to issues like the child sexual abuse policies.

    We have made the greatest impact by being honest and telling out stories. Those who can see through the WT propaganda can begin to separate themselves from a marketing scheme. And by telling our stories we have the opportunity to inoculate other people by giving them enough information so they can make a healthy choice and not get involved with the organization to begin with.

    The WTS has JWs convinced that whatever we do to attack the WTS is Satan's tool and therefore persecution. So they won't listen. They cover their ears. They shut their eyes. And they bury their heads fearful of Satanic influence.

    Most powerful movements have begun with one person speaking out against control, manipulation and abuse. I'm convinced this is the greatest strength we have. It worked for other movements that oppressed its people. It will work for us too.

    Just keep speaking your truth.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi uninformed,

    It's an idea worth thinking about. However, I have a feeling that when the wts have to start surrendering information on child abuse investigations to the courts, there might be quite a few people around with winnable causes then. I don't know if you saw the court ruling they lost recently, but the thread about it is here.

    It might not bring the tower crashing down, but could well shake the foundations a little.

  • Stealth453

    I'm with Lady Lee on this one. I think the most successful way to cripple those ba$tards, is to nibble away at them, one inch at a time.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hello again Brant,

    I surely have no brain for things legal or for ethical retaliation (after all, one does have rights under the law). For so long, we have had as mantra, "Jehovah will take care of it in his own due time," that when we should take action we are lost. All I can say from my own experience is that turning the other cheek, feeding my enemy, blessing the one cursing me, etc., has worked as to respect from others and self-respect. From a financial viewpoint, however, NOT! I am far less likely to back down now given what I've learned here. From SOMEWHERE IN TIME: 'I am not a doormat; do not attempt to wipe your boots on me!' [my recollection of Ms. Mckenna's words to her overbearing manager]

    I feel bad for that young lady who got a double whammy of abuse. Whatever you call it, karma, "what goes around comes around", "'vengeance is mine,' saith the Lord" --- the bad guy will get his comeuppance. If he comes to his senses, is truly repentant and begs forgiveness, then maybe there's a chance for him. 'It is unavoidable that causes for stumbling should occur, but woe to....'

    As to organizing to fight a cause...can I get back to you on this?

    Demurringly yours,


  • rebel8

    In the US religions are unregulated by law. And you can't really sue a religious minister for being an a$$. If it were possible it would have been done many times over by now. (I too teared up when I read the story you're referring to--certainly one of the more reprehensible stories I've heard.)

    Check AndersonsInfo's posts about her lawsuit, which at this point is still ongoing.

    In other countries it may be possible.

    We have a great resource--there are thousands of us. We can and do use that power to influence the "court of public opinion" as individuals by distributing info and literature, asking the media to do stories favorable to our cause, etc. We also have the benefit of having not one anti-cult organization specific to the jw cult, but three! They have been instrumental in communicating with the media and the public.

    Want some free literature to distribute or other activism tips?

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