Bethel experience

by Carlo 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carlo

    Hello Brothers and Sisters

    I'm a circuitoverseer. I recieved this upbuilding experience to share with fellow witnesses.
    I just returned from Manhattan last night at 10:30. Saundra Miller and I were volunteering at the Jacob Jarvis Center, the hub for volunteers and supplies to the disaster site. We had plenty of work to do, but more importantly, we were able to share information with many others from the May 22 Awake! "The New Look Of Terrorism". We did not simply place the magazines, we engaged people in meaningful conversations first. It was rewarding to be able to speak with several people with whom it would normally be difficult to share the Truth: doctors, psychiatrists, etc. Several people listened intently for long periods of time as we talked and reasoned with them from the Scriptures. Then we would work for a while longer sweeping or cleaning the area until another opportunity arose to talk with another volunteer. By the end of the day, we had placed all of our magazines.

    According to a brother from Brooklyn who was at the Jacob Jarvis Center, the factory has printed additional lots of the May 22 Awake! which will be used amply to address peoples' questions during the aftermath of the disaster.

    It was a fruitful and rewarding weekend among many needy people. Understandably, most people are mongering for justice and vengeance; however, we found with people who opened our conversations with urgings for justice or vengeance that is was best not to ignore such sentiments. Rather than ignore such feelings, we listened intently to them. Then after listening, we helped people recognize that justice is one of the principal attributes of God and thus He certainly acknowledges the appropriateness of vengeance. This type of reasoning lead on to explaining, more importantly, why justice is important to Jehovah when it is balanced with love and wisdom. From there we were able to redirect the conversations to where such love, wisdom, and justice are readily found today.

    We found that this type of witnessing-via-listening was far more advantageous and rewarding than to simply preach at people during such a great need. At this time, they have strong, genuine feelings that need to be addressed, not ignored or discarded. Since the Bible clearly covers themes of justice and vengeance, there was no need to avoid these subjects as though they were unpleasant or "un-Christian". ALL of our conversations ended quite amiably, with people congratulating us for our clear understanding of the matter.

    It goes without saying, we maintained absolute neutrality in our conversations, not siding or commenting on the raging, near-beastlike nationalism and patriotism that is rampant. We simply listened and redirected our conversations to help people reason on their own personal feelings for vengeance and justice.

    In fact, one Indian psychiatrist with whom we spoke was openly upset and angry. She shared her lack of faith in God due to all the suffering in the world and admitted that she was at somewhat of a loss on what to say to the survivors whom she was attending. We engaged her in conversation by asking for a few examples of the type of suffering to which she referred. She quickly listed the uprisings and conflicts and wars that have wrought immeasurable suffering: Bhopal, Bosnia, Ireland, etc... So we thoughtfully asked her whether God or man had participated in such activities. She smiled and reluctantly answered that "man alone" has caused such problems. Her smile and pause indicated that she clearly grasped the point we were driving at by posing that simple question. A question that was only possible because we allowed her to talk at length, unburdening herself, while we displayed sincere interest in her views.

    From there we had an ideal basis to continue our conversation. Thirty minutes later, the psychiatric doctor, sent there to assist others, was congratulating us for our healthy approach in facing the disasters that befall mankind today.

    Yes, it was a rewarding weekend serving as volunteers and incorporating our witnessing during the frequent opportunities that arose.

    Thank you for letting me share this experience.

    Nicolas Ledu
    Portuguese Congregation
    Central Massachusetts, USA

  • hillary_step

    Thank You Carlo,

    - Much appreciated.....can you turn left at the corner and drop me by the liquor store.

    (Have you noticed, one of the rarest things in life is to find a cab driver who keeps his thoughts to himself....they are the same the world over...)


  • Pathofthorns

    LOL.. that's pretty good


  • lauralisa

    They couldn't have written it better themselves. Thank you. Need to go wretch now.

    It's only water from a stranger's tear (Peter Gabriel)

  • Seeker
    In fact, one Indian psychiatrist with whom we spoke was openly upset and angry. She shared her lack of faith in God due to all the suffering in the world and admitted that she was at somewhat of a loss on what to say to the survivors whom she was attending.

    And another potential sucker is born. Why is this so hard to understand? What happened two weeks ago, horrible as it was, is quite understandable. That is, it's not hard to explain the motives of the terrorists, disagree with those motives as I do. So why can't this psychiatrist buy a clue? These experiences are just what JWs look for as targets, and it's a shame.

  • buffalosrfree

    Carlo, I noticed in your thread you spoke of a fruitful and rewarding weekend, you spoke of magazine placements, listening to people, telling them about Gods justice (you didn't speak of the more than 6 billion people to be destroyed soon did ya???)

    you know you never spoke of the good feelings you should have had in helping the recovery crews with the supplies you supposedly helped with. Isn't that what you were there for?/ Or were you just there so you can have a ready made field of emotionally upset people. You are a true herpes sore on the rectum of humanity. Why no thoughts to those who died, who were helping in the recovery effort etc. A typical asshole Jdub only concerned with the magazine placements.

  • dungbeetle


    1) "whack"!!!!

    2) always a pleasure darling!!! keep up the great work. Hope to see you in chat again soon.

    Dungbeetle...thankful for the help from Carlos in cleaning up the crap!!!

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