About baptism

by Wendy_Warden 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wendy_Warden

    How big a deal is baptism in the Watchtower organization? I've never heard much about it on the boards.

  • Honesty

    It's a big deal.

    Auld Soul has totally decimated the Watchtower Society's baptism.

    JW's get baptised into a "spirit-directed" organization.

    Christians get baptised into Christ.


    The spirits that are directing the Watchtower Society are responsible for all the doctrines, flip flops, cover-ups, shunning and lies.

  • megsmomma

    It makes a HUGE difference in the lives of people that leave too. My brother and sisters were never baptised as young people and are now adults and free to have my parents love and have people loving towards them if they go to a JW meeting. I, however got baptised at age 14, so since I left I am shunned by family and all JW's. If you get baptised, you really get to know what it is all about.

  • Wendy_Warden
    If you get baptised, you really get to know what it is all about.

    What exactly do you mean?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    When you are merely studying with the jws, you can ask any question you like.

    When you are baptised, all questions must cease, or else.

    Before you are baptised, if you step out of line, the can't do much to you.

    After baptism, do something wrong and the elders are on your back. Commit a serious sin, or what they term as one, and you face discipline, a judicial committe and being kicked out of the org, whereupon everyone you thought of a a friend won't even look at you, let alone speak.

    Yes, you could say baptism as a jw is a big deal.

  • yucca

    Theres a lady where my daughter works and she has never been baptized . She said she is a JW. She smokes and sleeps with her boyfriends. She told my daughter I cant believe you left the truth. She said when she gets older much older she will get baptized.

  • megsmomma

    Those are great examples.I see such a difference with my siblings. They are way more "bad" than I ever was. I am now married and have a baby . I live a very good life and have nothing to be ashamed of....even if I was a JW. (Well, except what we do in the bedroom and not going to meetings or getting in feild service time) Any how...My sisters and brother do whatever they want...my brother is going to jail for drug charges and my little sister is as "bad" as they come.....YET, my mom talks to them regularly and will associate with them cause they were never baptised.....yet since I was....she WILL NOT talk to me.

    Also...I feel more bitter towards the religion. My siblings don't really care what my mom says or if people ":think"they are "bad". They still just live however they want and can talk to whoever they want. Me, on the other hand can't be around many people I used to know ...Just because I was baptised at 14.....a great age to make a life altering choice, ehe?


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