In the November 24 "The Week", you can learn that forests aren't necessarily decreasing. ( pg 10)
"In a surprizing new study, scientists have concluded that a growing number of countries are reversing the trend toward destruction of their
forests.... 'It seems possible that we could reverse a global trend that many people thought irreversible', said study author Pekka Kauppi of the
University of Helsinki". ( Actually, this makes enormous sense to me because the transition from agricultural to industrial economies
leaves huge areas unfarmed that return to a natural state. Productivity means you don't need "the north 40 acres" anymore. If you doubt this,
take a drive thru any part of New England and take note of the old abandoned farm areas)
And the world's panda population is staging a comeback ( also page 10)
A female relative of mine recently gave birth by way of a C - section. Ask yourself, if this pregnancy took place a couple hundred years
ago, how would it likely have ended? A dead mother and infant - because the baby couldn't come out normally? Is that "worse and
Oh, and renowned Cardiologist William Gruss has strongly endorsed resveratrol supplements to ward off disease. Resveratrol is NOW
EMERGING as the closest thing we have to a true anti-aging pill. Biotech firms are in a rush to discover how to stop or reverse the aging
process. It's just a matter of time. Average lifespans in Japan and the US are the highest they've ever been. Is that "worse and worse",
Brother Witness?