The Brazilian magazine VEJA has an issue about "Pedophiles Hunters" in November 15 edition and states this: "'Lutherans, mormons, jehovah's witnesses,... tell me the name of any religion group and I possibly sued it', said [Jeff] Anderson to VEJA." Do you knows any sue against JW pedophiles from lawyer Jeff Anderson? bye
Lawyer Jeff Anderson
by rosa 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
He handled the case with the 2 women in Minnesota where he is based. Also Erika Rodriguez' case in Washington State.
Have you tried using Google?
I think he's most well known for being one of the first to break through the Catholic pedophile protection racket.
thanks. the magazine matter is abaout Catholic sexual abuse and Anderson cited another "possible" sues. I looked Google now and found many references with "jeff anderson" "jehovah" "sexual abuse". Anderson website has link to silentlambs too. thanks one more time.
As an an aside, my firm presently represents many individuals abused as children in Jehovah's Witness congregations...
We can be reached at
Love & Norris
314 main st suite 300
Fort Worth, Texas 76102