The NATO alliance has pledged support with the US, a terrorist attack against one is an attack against all.
The IRA is largely funded by its well honed and sentimental campaigns in the US that generate $100,000’s among the 78,000,000 people of Irish descent who live there. This cash is used to train its terrorists in Libya and other Middle Eastern states, establish a network of Mafia style activities in NI, including prostitution, ‘protection’ scams and above all drug trading. The IRA are said to have upward of 200 ‘sleeper’ cells operating around the world at any one time.
The Protestants themselves have little to be proud of either, producing a generation of ‘Christian’ fanatics who have openly discussed the possibility of Concentration Camps for Catholics while turning drive-by shootings into an art form.
What will happen the next time an IRA bomb kills a UK soldier, or the UFF/UDA shoots out some teenagers kneecaps or ankles in the Shankill Rd?
Is ‘America’s New War’ as CNN describes it, as if it is introducing a new improved version, going to extend to Ireland? How will this affect the Irish vote?
My advice to Presidents, never bite off more than you can chew, even if you are hungry.
Best to you all - HS