Ok, my parents are shunning me, but I refuse to do the same to them. I do not believe it is proper to shun people and I won't be led by THEIR guidelines. I am sending my parents an Anniversary gift and card. I have no idea what to put on it though. I have never been good with words. I usually buy a card that says a lot so I don't have to. I couldn't find one last night. (mainly because they were all about what a wonderful couple they are together when they reallly fight all the time or what wonderful parents they are when they are shunning their only child) Anyways all I can come up with is "Happy Anniversary. Have a dinner on me. Perhaps one day you will see fit to eat with me again." Obviously this isn't the type of compassion/christian attitude I want to display so I am taking suggestions. Seriously. What can I write that doesn't come across as mean?
Words of wisdom/compassion/love???
by unique1 8 Replies latest jw friends
speak of a specific memory of them together that you hold close to your heart. describe it in the detail of whatever age you remember. thats it. i think that would do everything that you want it to
Wow, CHL! Good suggestion!
Wasanelder Once
I agree, simply saying "I love you" is trite. Letting them in on the many good things you have to share with them might be nice. Express your love, not simply state it. I wish you success.
I like CHL's idea as well...ANd I wanted to tell you I think it is really sweet (and christian) of you to do that. It shows a-lot for your compassion...and I plan to use it as an example in my life!
I keep trying to think of a time. We did things like going to disney world when I was a kid but mom was in a wheelchair that time. I enjoyed beach trips with my mom, but dad didn't come on those. We went on cruises that were fun, but we always had to have a WT study while on board and visit bethel in the Bahamas, major buzz kill. I just can't come up with anything. I suck so bad at this. I think I am like a guy in that aspect (not all guys obviously). I just am clueless as to how to express anything. I mean, what do you put? Hey remember all those times we played balderdash? That was good times. Yep, I am an idiot when it comes to mushy stuff.
Backed away
Great suggestion Coolhand,
Unique1, share that special moment in time you will cherish forever to remind them that your are forever their little girl, everytime Daughters bring up moments when they were young, Fathers remember.. trust me. your Mother gave you your life, I hope she never forgets that.
Your in my thoughts and prayers
Ok, how about telling them a little about what you are doing now to show them how good they did at raising you (and hints as to what they miss out on) I think I recall you talking about your being a "big sister" and it really seems like you have a great heart and I am sure you have accomplished many things. Mabe let them know that you have some things in common with them besides just a religion?
I just called my mom (inspired by you) and she (of course) didn't answer...but I said "Hi Gramma....We have a crawler now!!" (The baby) and mentioned her two teeth...short and sweet.......just letting her know I may be shunned, but I am not shunning her. Hopefully by showing our parents love will touch something deep in them, and it is a start.
Don't stress it too much, I mean just the fact that you are thinking of them and that you love them says a-lot!
I guess Hallmark doesn't have a card for every occasion!