"Its Just so Damn Good to be Out."

by scout575 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • scout575

    "I still have trouble with depression, sometimes. Lately its been bad. But boy, I haven't felt the the kind of endless, abysmal blackness that I used to feel when I was a depressed Christian. There's just so much weight lifted now that I don't give a shit whether or not there's a sky-daddy judging me or not. F**k him, I can't be anything other than what I am, and if that's not good enough for Biblegod, he can go f**k himself."

    "So, I think in my case, Christianity didn't provide any relief, it actually ended up feeding my illness, which, in the long run may have done more damage, I don't know."

    "Its just so damn good to be out, I can't even describe it." ( A quotation from: Ex-Christian.net / FAQs / Religion and Mental Health / Post# 20 / Poster's username: gwenmead ).

  • fokyc

    You seem to be on a downer, so different from some of your previous postings:


    it's certainly better out than in, it will seem better tomorrow!


  • Alpheta

    It IS good to be out. But the kind of depression that writer was talking about isn't dependent upon what religion one may be - or not be. It's a disease caused by a chemical inbalance in the brain, and it cannot be controlled by sheer willpower to "feel better". It won't get better by itself, no amount of "wishing it away" will work - that is VERY much a JW approach, heh? So if one has a condition of persistent depression, not just the "I'm blue today and screw the world" kind of feeling that all of us have upon occasion, then one should get one's butt to the nearest clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist and get treatment.

    So many depressed JWs - but once you're out, take care of yourself and get the treatment you need to make yourself whole again. If you don't, you're letting the JWs win, because their JW mindset is continuing to control you. Take the "worldly" attitude, that there's a cure for everything. In the case of depression, there most likely IS.

  • LittleToe

    Scout:I don't know if these are your own words or a quotation of someone else, anyhow...

    ...F**k him, I can't be anything other than what I am, and if that's not good enough for Biblegod, he can go f**k himself."

    These aren't the words of an atheist, they're the words of a believer...

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