One thing i've noticed with dubs is that anything that could possibly (no matter how small the link is) be related to the Watchtower Society, Religion or even their own personal beliefs and thoughts - they are suddenly on the defense.
Today me, my aunt and my mum were at the Kitchen table talking about mind control and about how anyone could be made to kill, take their own life, hurt others, believe something e.t.c and mum was disagreeing with that, saying people have a choice. Then suddenly after standing up, when the conversation was nearly over she said "well i dont think i am being controlled" or something like that. Its frustrating but at the same time i use it to show her how she is nearly always on the defensive and showing there is no need to be.
Also has anyone noticed how they change the subject? out of thin air when we've previously talked about religion, if something really does hit home she changes the subject literally from "gospel accounts" to "look at the grass outside" and then she don't even realise she does it!!?!?!
It's sad that so many are being fooled, daily and their lives are ruined from the moment they start to study. People are changed, brainwashed and conditioned and from the word go they are taking on the beliefs of Witnesses.
An Observation of the dubs
by KW13 8 Replies latest jw friends
I was in the organization for 35 years. All during that time my brother tried to tell me it was a cult and tried to show me information in support of that . . .
No matter what he said to me wouldn't have mattered - because I never heard him! I wasn't ready to hear him! In order to hear it, your mind has to be open to it. It's called "brain washing" and "mind control" for a reason!
My tactic that I will start trying with a family member is to discuss mind-controlling cults, without mention of JW's. I am sure it will be a difficult subject to get into. I know that my wife wants to know what's going on with my understanding of the WT organization, because of my noticeable fade, but she listens for about 5 minutes, presents an argument to any valid point I make, then says she is too busy or has a headache when I counter her point, saying she no longer wishes to discuss it. She knows that I am a better debater, but she gives up instantly, then never again wants to hear that particular argument.
compound complex
Dear KW13,
I just finished the Matrix trilogy last night and, at last, I understand the allusions to the ORG! The bad guys (machines) were acting in desperation because of those getting unplugged, or freed. Hope I got that right. Anyway, the Society acknowledges in the literature that truth can undergo close scrutiny and win. Well, information is the enemy of THE TRUTH. We are not the only ones aware of the lies. My feeling is that the sense of desperation that the Society displays through its authoritarian tactics is infecting the membership on a subconscious level. If Mom and Dad are on edge and acting weird, little Johnny and Mary pick up on those bad vibes and kick the dog. Jehovah's people are NOT happy. Though they seem grounded, their spiritual foundation is built on sand and the house is not fire-resistant.
Given all you've read here, KW, you surely know that love (and patience and endurance, etc.) are the answer. Don't give up!
Yours truly,
You are right KW, they do get very defensive when you try to tell them they are in a cult, or victims of mind control.
I think maybe it's due to the subtle way the wts operates. Many, including jws, associate cults with a group of people living in a commune, like the peoples temple (Jonestown) or the branch davidian (Waco), and because the jws don't do that, therefore they aren't a cult. The wts methods of indoctrination are second to none, as the victims are indoctrinated in the comfort of their own home initially, without even realising what is happening to them, rather than recruited on the streets, which is the usual cult tactic. I never saw the cultish aspect of being a jw until I'd left, and I suspect that's true of many jws.
I guess in your mums' case, as in mine, she will have to see it for herself, no one can convince her. Maybe one tactic you can use is the one Trev used on me. Instead of telling me he was happier away from the wts, he showed it by the way he lived his life. I realised he, as an ex jw, was much happier than me, as a jw at the time, and eventually got curious enough to want to know why, as this wasn't the way the wts said it should be. I hope something does resonate with her eventually, but in the meantime maybe if you let your actions speak louder than words, she might start to wonder.
fullofdoubtnow said:
You are right KW, they do get very defensive when you try to tell them they are in a cult, or victims of mind control.
The original point was that nobody mentioned JW's. They were just on the subject of mind-control cults (or whatever) and the JW gets defensive. They assume the subject will come around to JW's or they feel guilty about something or I don't know. Why is it that JW's automatically act a certain way if a certain subject came up?
If we started talking about education or freedom of speech, a JW would take some weird position that they have all the education they needed from the GB and nobody has to go to college, or freedom of speech is abused by all the vulgar language and disrespect shown to door-to-door magazine distributors, or some other weird defensive posture.
johnny cip
i've been through this a 1000'x, when your winning the arguement. you have to bring them back to the subject they are trying to run from. and keep dragging the jw deeper into the mud with each lie they try. even if you talk to tghem a month later go back to the same subject. make them unconfortable. for lying last week. get your subject an run it to the ground even for years. jw's hate this and can't handle it. but i'm sure it makes them think. my 2 cents. john
You are right KW, they do get very defensive when you try to tell them they are in a cult, or victims of mind control.
sometimes whether they realise it or not, that is my motive for starting these none-related topics lol.
In the past I may have been argumentative to my wife about some aspects of JWs. I stopped being that way but still today if I discuss anything religious and quote scripture (even using the NWT for her benefit) when the subject has nothing at all to do with JWs she gets all defensive and accusatory towards me about it.