Hey, this is a good time for all of those participating in Secret Santa to give us a little summary in the profile section of who you are and what you are about. Sex, age, ANYTHING. Some aren't that regular of participants, some are very vague. . .would be good to know a little, for starters :)
Secret Santa
by JWdaughter 7 Replies latest jw friends
Why just the secret santa people? (I did participate this year)
Sorry....I'm a newbie. What is Secret Santa?
Christmas time deal -- We trade addresses to send presents.
I felt bad, .....my Secret Santa never sent anything.
AWWWW... want me to send something? I love sending presents! And you don't even have to send me anything.
Sad emo
Awww restrangled that's sad
Just a thought - you could pm Angharad and see if she still has the list, maybe your pressie got lost in the post?
If not, pm me your address and I'll send you an Easter pressie
Thanks fellow posters, I know who it was. They PM'd me saying they had the flu but would send, I said take care and send when they felt well enough to get to the post office....they never did.
I certainly hope they are feeling better by now!
The only thing I request is that non senders are not allowed to sign up for next years Secret Santa!