Ted Jaracz in France?

by bj 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • bj

    On the 16th August, Maximus asked the question: "Wasn't GB member Ted Jaracz present at this convention? His Assistant said he was in France."
    From my checking here in France, Jaracz wasn't in Bordeaux, Lyon, and seems neighter in Paris. If he was in France, I wonder where!!! (True, from what Maximus wrote his assistant didn't precise that he went for the International Convention). But could it be this Assistant like other secretaries was told to LIE when answering phone calls? Thus Bulgaria vs WTS remind you in something?


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Didn't our French colleague Chasson also mention Jaracz as having been in France for the summer assemblies?

  • biblexaminer

    A "friend" who was at the Paris Convention said he was there.


  • bj

    Room 215,

    No, Chasson said he had to check with his friends (which my wife and I, are part of).
    You might have tought so as the question was brought up in one of his post concering the "suicide" of a french Circuit Overseer, Eric Renard, which was found death the day after his convention talk.


  • bj


    As I said, about the convention of Paris I wasn't sure. But some JW's who were present in Lyon and Bordeaux told me "he wasn't there" and that no reference was made concerning his visit.
    But if your friend is sure that Jaracz was in Paris, then Maximus would have obtained an answer. And perhaps the Assistant of Jaracz didn't LIE as James N. Pellechia (Director of Public Affairs Office)did.

    In a letter dated January 8, 1999, Pellechia stated concerning "free choice" and I quote: "The Document that govern the relationship between Bulgaria and Jehovah's Witnesses do not include this ["free choice"] or a similar statement."


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