What Are You Thankful for?

by lovelylil 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Since tomarrow is Thanksgiving, I was wondering what everyone is most thankful for this year?

    The top five things I am thankful for are:

    1. I am free from the WT

    2. My family is together and doing great

    3. I am closer to my God then I was last year

    4. I've made lots of new friends including here on JWD

    5. My health is much better (and mental health) than it was last year.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    i am thankful for JWD and the friends on here :-)

    because of JWD, i have a new life. a life worth living.

  • megsmomma

    I am thankfull for my family....husband and baby.

    I am thankfull that I finally have a guilt free life...thanks to what I have learned here.

    I am thankfull to be able to love and be loved.

    I am thankfull to have tools to help my daughter still in the Org.

    I am thankfull for all the wonderful, loving JW apostates! ( I think we are the most caring, non-judgemental bunch there is)

  • BabaYaga

    I am incredibly grateful for my precious chosen one... my Darlin' (he's not perfect, but he's perfect for ME! tee hee)

    I am so, so lucky and grateful that my precious beloved ones who are still practicing and full-believing Witnesses interact with and show love for me.

    I am so happy that I found this site and info on the UN scandal which, even though I had already been out for years and years, was still completely unbelievable to me.

    I'm thankful that after all these years of being in denial, I can move on with the whole process. Damn, it's been a long time.

    And thank you, thank you, Simon and all the moderators... and thank you, thank you, thank you all of you posters!!! Who take the time to respond and have such great wisdom and perception and compassion. It's all pretty astounding, really.

    There are a lot of transitional things in my life right now but PLENTY to be OH, so THANKFUL FOR!!!

    Happy Gratefulness Day, everybody!!!

    Love to all...

  • daystar

    I am thankful for:

    • My son. Healthy, happy and teaching me new things daily.
    • Brigid, and the wonder that she is, the cool, blue river of my unconscious waters.
    • My family. For being the fertile earth upon which I grow.
    • My friends. For providing the... fertilization for my soul. (Yeah, they're all full of $hit. )
  • delilah

    Well, we've already had our Thanksgiving, but I'll tell you. I'm very thankful for good health, my home, enough food for my family; my family, especially those who are not JW's, my beautiful baby grandson, my good friend Mary, and you fine people here.

    I'm glad I live in north America, as opposed to a third world country, or other, because we have more opportunities to live, grow and advance in life.

    I'm thankful that my husband and I are able to provide for our children, a decent life, outside tha borg. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!!!

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