Territory coverage in Hawaii?

by Gregor 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gregor

    I remember hearing years ago that there were so many witnesses in the islands that territories were being covered twice a month! Can anyone confirm this? What is the current saturation?

  • cyberguy

    I live in Hawaii, although work in Florida from time-to-time, and no, the territory is "worked" about twice per year in most congregations. There may be a few congregations in some dense areas where it is different, but where I live, it was common for the CO to complain that some territories were only being worked once per year. I think what happens is that the locals avoid affluent areas, because they get the door slammed in their face, or rather, people don’t answer the door. And most JW’s (when I was an active elder here in Hawaii), simply ride-around for hours in a van, talking rarely if at all. Most JW’s here in Hawaii, only have a few they call on and avoid the door-to-door “work” as much as possible.

  • blondie

    As I understand it, 80% of the Hawaiian population are on the one island, Oahu, and that is where the concentration is of JWs. There are a lot of security locked apartments and JWs stand outside the doors as people leave and come home from work.

    The other islands, Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kauai (and some smaller ones), are less populated, have less employment and fewer JWs.

    Just imagine the difference if a JW was in NYC compared to a small town such as Bradford.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I attended a couple of meetings in about 1996 while on vacation in Hawaii. Yes--I was one of those JW's who felt you couldn't miss a meeting.

    I remember discussion at the service meeting about witnessing to people at the beaches and shopping malls. Later, while at the shopping mall, an elderly JW woman approached me and handed me a tract.

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