Mission Possible: Apostate tactical teams

by MsMcDucket 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    We got to come up with plans for this shunning crap. One plan that I have is:

    When one of our comrades is going out somewhere they should have another ex-dub with them, and we should try to make their unbelieving loved ones know that we can play that game too. Hell, bring as many apostates with you as possible! Or make sure you bump into as many as possible.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Not trying to be rude but I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you want to unite people togeather to shunn the JWs?

    Sounds like a game of 'who shunned first"?

  • MsMcDucket
    Not trying to be rude but I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you want to unite people togeather to shunn the JWs?

    Yep! Who do you think is going to be shunning who? While the Witness/s are shunning the person they will have support.

  • Finally-Free

    Personally, I think it might be more fun to leave burning bags of shit on their doorsteps.


  • Abandoned
    When one of our comrades is going out somewhere they should have another ex-dub with them, and we should try to make their unbelieving loved ones know that we can play that game too.

    MsMcDucket: I sure don't mean any offense to you or your idea, but I do disagree with the idea of shunning. While turn around may be fair play it also validates the negative behavior since both parties are then doing it. Killing with kindness and shoveling hot coals on someone's head by being nice are probably the best. That said, I talk a better game then I play and so I can understand if someone ends up replying in kind.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I understand how you feel about shunning (I think). It is cruel and evil. Having to deal with it personally for many years in my family, I have always stated that I will never shun my family, nor refuse to talk with anyone. But the hurt can drive deep wounds into your heart.

    Still, it is a childish game and joining in I don't think will help. To have support from others is good, but let the cultists show their insanity to the world. Talk freely with others in public. Let them be the ones who look ridiculous and unloving.

    I do hope time will change things for you.

  • MsMcDucket

    You guys are killing me! Like I said in previous post, I don't care about talking to other witnesses; but I do care about talking to my kids. My children come around every now and then, and they will talk to me for necessary business. I can't talk to them about religion or do other anti-witness stuff or else they're out here like a bird with their tails on fire.

    It's no fun being treated like you're the devil.

    Whatever works for you.

    Sorry if I offended anyone (especially Dobbie), but I still feel like if they can dish it out they ought to be able to take it.

  • dobbie

    Ms McDucket - don't worry youv'e not offended me it made me laugh actually, especially what you posted on my thread - thanks, i will tell hubby you'll be after him with that big wooden spoon of yours if he doesn't buck up!lol!

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