I got this new "All false Religions going to end" tract put into my mailbox. I guess coz of my country not being English speaking, there were only small sheet of it covered with these questions, what is false religion, bla bla bla. What I noticed was funny thing, first they put down all the goverments and religions, and then ask question - which is true religion. And then and goes and answers it... byt citing worldly source! How ironic!
by Shazard 3 Replies latest jw experiences
They really think "we" are all stupid.
compound complex
Greetings from sunny California, Shazard!
So wonderful to have contact with new friends, from all over the world! Yes, you are right: it is funny---strangely ironic---that outside sources need to be used to bolster any claim. Authenticity seems to me to be entirely self-sufficient and self-sustaining. The genuine article is good and pure and certainly does not seek verification and approval from the "enemy"! It makes me think of an individual who is very uncertain of himself and his qualifications but masks his insecurity behind a facade of bluster and bravado. Jesus Christ knew who he was and what he had to do; he moved ahead boldly. Neither Caesar nor the Sanhedrin were consulted for their sanction or blessing.
Thank you very much for your observation on this matter!
Yours truly,
I recently had the new tract mailed to me as JWs are not allowed in our private community. But I could not resist in sending a letter to the person and congregation that sent it to me asking them to use the same standards in judging their own organization. False Religion "meddles in war and politics." What of the Society's attempt to pacify Hitler and the Nazis in the early 1930s? It "spreads false doctrines." Wasn't Russell a pyramidologist? Hasn't the Society promulgated dates for "the end" that are now rejected as false? It "tolerates immoral sex." Isn't the Watchtower organization coping with its own scandal of sexual abuse of minors? Doesn't the Society keep a data base of predators that it refuses to make public?
I also reminded them that the Watchtower Society joined the U.N. organization as a NGO. Wouldn't this make her part of the "harlot" of Revelation 17? I ended with the thought that Jehovah hates those who use a double standards: "Do not have differing measures in your house - one large, one small. You must have accurate weights and measures...For Jehovah you God destests anyone who does those things, anyone who deals dishonestly." (Deut. 25-13-16)