Witnesses littering

by Fleshybirdfodder 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    Hey everyone, long time no post. I've been busy (not going to meetings and not doing personal study...) but have peeked at the site periodically to keep up to date with the goings on. The other day my wife thought of something when she saw two witlesses leaving mags on the seat of the subway in hopes that some hapless "target" would pick them up and be converted. Throughout our public transit system there are signs posted everywhere asking (/telling) people not to litter by leaving newspapers or magazines on the seats because the transit workers have to clean up after them. If this constitutes littering there would even be a fine imposed. How could I make what is supposed to be "an easy placement" a little more of a pain? Should I complain? Go to a local paper? I feel kind of guilty because I used to do this kind of stuff all the time out in service. Anything to avoid door to door!


  • nelly136

    sometimes the simplest things are really effective, go for it.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    A letter to a local newspaper complaining about how JWs leave their literature everywhere isn't a bad idea. I know on a rescent trip to CA we spotted Jw litter a number of times.

  • dedpoet

    Yeah, go to the local paper, give them some bad publicity. I hope someone in authority sees them doing it and prosecutes them.


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