has anyone got comments on this site

by pippy 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • pippy
  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi pippy - belated welcome to the board

    I've not seen or heard of the site before but there's a lot of info to take in - I'd guess most of it is already available on other sites but it's good to have it all in one place!

    I'll have a look at some of the links when I get home from work. Thanks for posting it.

  • fokyc

    Hi Pippy and welcome, I found it very interesting, the site is a bit amateurish but does contain some interesting info. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.


  • jaguarbass

    David Icke gets into this information in his books particularly "children of the Matrix"

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    There was one part which took me by surprise - the bit about the memorial being similar to a Satanic ritual of the rejection of Christ's body and blood. Anybody know if that's for real or just an implication/deduction by the site's author?

  • Amazing

    Hi Pippy,

    I have seen these kinds of sites and claims before. Russell does seem to have a connection with Free Masonery, or at least a desire to employ some of their symbology. One can also find that Russell had relatives involved in the Illuminati. My family and the Whitney name are Illuminati members, which was a part of masonery along with the Knights Templar. I do not believe that Russell had any connection with conspiratoral conduct or Satanic worship. Much of this fear is just that, fear based on suspecion and wild speculation. Masonery, Knights Templar, Illuminati, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Tri-Lateral Commission all have little to do with any such conspiracies. You can go to the web site of some of these organiations and join them directly. Some of them require a political, business, or well recognized sponsor ... such as your university Alumni. You can join any local chapter of Free Masonery, and in time get sponsored into the Knights Templar. So, I tend to take such sites with a grain of salt.

    Jim Whitney

  • acadian
    There was one part which took me by surprise - the bit about the memorial being similar to a Satanic ritual of the rejection of Christ's body and blood. Anybody know if that's for real or just an implication/deduction by the site's author?

    It's true! Their memorial is a denial of Christ and the New Covenant. Acadian

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I've seen this site before and read quite a bit. Way too much there to get through all of it. It is interesting and I don't think we really will ever know what all goes on behind the scenes of business, politics or religion.

    The first time I went to the Memorial, it upset me that no one partook. I had come from a religion where everyone that was baptized partook every Sunday. It did feel like a rejection to me. I always thought it was strange that they would try to get new ones to start out with this meeting. I would think it would scare many away.

    I just started reading a book called Demons and Angels by the same guy who wrote The Davinci Code. This book is much more factual than The Davinci Code, however. Not very far, but it appears to be a good read.

  • pippy

    yes, its pretty full on, and hard to digest,, im still pretty new to all these so called facts, i dont even know much about the free masons..but find it very interesting to read about.. especially the symbols, like the one that is still on the new york assembly hall, is that for real? does it have a real significance, or is it just similar to that other winged symbol ( sorry cant remember what it was called).

  • TweetieBird

    to Choosing Life...I enjoyed "Angels and Demons" even more than the Davinci Code. It's definitely a page-turner.


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